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Dear father,

Memories, funny thing.
There like a bunny, hopping around
From one place to another, they always find a way.
If joyful or sad, there always there.
But they never leave.
It's sad to think my own father did.
No matter how far u are.
U will always be a memory.
My memory.
U hurt me, left alot of scars
But ur memories never seem to dissapoint me.
We made a lot. Even I can agree.
But each was special, in its own way, of course.
I hope one day we can go back to them.
If together or not, I wish u the best dad.
I know I'm not ur first priority.
But I've learned that.
And the best thing I have to do now, is to heal from it
From all the pain u have caused and left.
Memories are cool.
They never leave or dissappear.
That's why there cool, there there when u need them.
And u weren't.

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