🌴🌻🦊Chapter 2: Tails Lost ep, Find Sonic.

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[Play Intro]

[Tails was searching for Sonic from his disappearances Tails went to ask his Friends if they saw Sonic but no one seen Sonic around it seemed he disappear in fin air]

Tails was in his shopwork making a new invention But he take a break then
Start to Look for Sonic on his track divce then head off flying around
Looking at his screen scanning around
But not sight of Sonic. Tails siad"Strange Sonic should be on my scanning track divce he couldn't have just disappeared off some where into fin air."

He keep searching around every where even asking his Friends

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He keep searching around every where even asking his Friends. But no sight of Sonic the search gose on in till was Night Time Tails was back in his workshop sleeping.

Tails heard a noise he wakes up blurry in his sleep then saw something Blue walks away

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Tails heard a noise he wakes up
blurry in his sleep then saw something Blue walks away

Tails heard a noise he wakes up blurry in his sleep then saw something Blue walks away

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Tails: Huh, was... that Sonic ?
*He got up off the chair and follows
Sonic walked out his door as Tails Look saw him walked out door then Tails went door too. As he was outside Sonic walked into a door that appeared.
Tails Look Surprise then said" Odd a Door. Hm, that why I couldn't find Sonic but Why did he walk into that Strange dooor ?
*Tails went in door then as he Look saw Sonic dispper way head of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13 ⏰

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