9. Beneath the surface

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Diana's POV

I woke up to the sound of the shower running. The early morning light filtered through the curtains, casting soft shadows across the room. Normally, this was the part of the morning where Angelo would wake me up with a grin, coaxing me into joining him for a shower, his playful way of starting the day. But today was different. The side of the bed where he usually slept was cold, and he had gone into the bathroom without saying a word.

I propped myself up on my elbows, listening to the steady hum of the water. Something in the back of my mind stirred—a quiet, persistent whisper. Maybe Angelo just needed some time to think after what had happened with the entity last night. The way it had surfaced, slipping into my skin, trying to twist my actions... I had fought it off, but it wasn't gone. We both knew that.

Still, that little voice in my head kept urging me forward. Go to him.

I hesitated, biting my lip. Angelo always respected my boundaries, always made sure I felt comfortable. But today, something inside me felt bold, almost reckless. The whispers grew louder, tugging at the corners of my thoughts. Without fully understanding why, I slid out of bed and walked toward the bathroom door.

I paused for a moment, hand hovering over the handle, a strange confidence settling over me. The steam from the shower curled out as I opened the door, and there he was—Angelo, standing under the stream of water, his back to me, shoulders tense. Normally, I would have laughed, teased him about his early morning brooding, but instead, I found myself slipping into the shower behind him without a word. Some part of my brain went numb and I only hyper fixated on my actions. I stripped down out my clothes and silent joined him in the shower.

The warm water cascaded over me as I reached for the soap, lathering myself up with slow, deliberate movements. I could feel Angelo's eyes on me the moment he sensed I was there. His gaze lingered longer than usual, scanning over my body as the water glistened on my skin. But he wasn't smiling. His brow furrowed, a dark expression crossing his face.

"Diana," he muttered, his voice low, tense.

I tilted my head up to meet his gaze, smiling innocently. "What?" I asked, my voice light, almost teasing.

He didn't answer right away. His jaw tightened, and I could see the conflict in his eyes. Angelo had seen me like this before, but never like this—never with this kind of unspoken confidence. It wasn't me, and we both knew it.

"You've never been one to push yourself like this," he said quietly, but there was an edge to his voice. He stepped closer, his hand resting gently on my shoulder, but his grey eyes bore into mine. "This isn't you."

I shrugged, trying to keep the playful air, but the tension between us was thick, the steam swirling around us like the weight of everything unspoken. "Maybe I just felt like surprising you."

His eyes darkened, and his hand moved to cup my face, his thumb brushing my cheek. "No," he whispered, his voice a mixture of frustration and concern. "This isn't how you surprise me."

I swallowed, feeling that familiar, sinister whisper slithering through my thoughts. The entity was there, watching, waiting for its chance. It had influenced me before and was trying it again. I felt these actions as my own but they weren't. And now, Angelo knew it too. His grip on me tightened ever so slightly, his gaze never wavering.

"I know you're in there, listening," he said, his voice dropping, but there was an intensity in his words. I stiffened, realizing he wasn't talking to me anymore. He was talking to her—the entity. "You think you can play games with her, make her act in ways she wouldn't. But I know Diana. I know her. And whatever you're trying to do, I won't let you win."

I felt a shiver run through me, but not from the cold. Angelo's words were laced with a raw, unyielding determination, and I could feel the entity stir, recoiling at the direct confrontation.

He leaned closer, his lips brushing my ear. "I'll play along for now," he murmured, his tone deceptively soft. "But make no mistake—I'll always know when it's really her. And I'll enjoy watching you fail, because Diana? She's stronger than you think. She's going to beat you. Every. Single. Time."

I took a shaky breath, my mind reeling as his words sank in. Angelo stepped back, his eyes softer now, but still focused on me, watching closely for any sign of the real me returning.

In that moment, I felt the grip of the entity loosen, just a fraction, but enough for me to regain control. I blinked, the fog in my mind lifting, and suddenly, I felt exposed. My confidence wavered, replaced with the familiar shyness I knew so well. Angelo saw it instantly, his features softening as he reached out, pulling me into his arms under the warm spray of the shower.

"There she is," he whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I leaned into him, relief flooding through me. "I'm sorry," I murmured, my voice barely audible over the sound of the water.

He shook his head, his arms tightening around me. "Don't apologize. This isn't your fault."

We stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other, the water washing away the tension. The entity had retreated, but I knew this wouldn't be the last time. It was still there, lurking, waiting for the next opportunity. But for now, in Angelo's arms, I felt safe—safe from the darkness, safe from the manipulation.

Angelo's voice cut through my thoughts, steady and calm. "You're stronger than you think, Diana. Don't let it break you. I'm here with you, always."

I nodded, clinging to his words. As long as I had Angelo by my side, I had a chance. I just had to believe in it, and more importantly, believe in myself.

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