15. Holding It Together

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Angelo's POV

Angelo tightened the grip on the hammer, driving another nail into the broken frame of the front door. The rhythmic pounding should've been soothing, but today, every thud only made his frustration mount. His jaw clenched as he stared at the splintered wood beneath his hands.

The rogues had gotten further into the pack house than anyone should've allowed. Somehow, they slipped past every line of defense, tearing through walls, windows, and furniture like it was nothing. Angelo knew better than to let it slide as just a breach. No. This was a warning—a reminder of how thin the line was between control and chaos. And Benjamin had been the one to send it, whether directly or not.

He exhaled sharply through his nose and swung the hammer again, harder this time. The wood groaned under the force, the sound too close to a breaking point. Just like me, he thought grimly.

Benjamin had made it clear: he was waiting—watching—for Diana to stumble. The knowledge crawled under Angelo's skin, setting every protective instinct on high alert. He didn't trust Benjamin. He never had. And now, with Diana's life—and her soul—in the balance, Angelo couldn't afford a single slip-up.

But keeping his guard up every second was draining. His senses were constantly stretched thin, scanning for any sign of danger, any hint that Benjamin might be circling back to take what Angelo fought so hard to reclaim. Every noise outside, every unfamiliar scent carried by the wind, set him on edge.

He growled low in his throat and slammed another nail into the wood, the sound reverberating through the empty hall.

"Hey, easy there," someone called gently from behind him.

Angelo turned to see Tyler, one of the younger pack members, standing a few feet away with a cautious look on his face. He held a piece of plywood in his hands, clearly here to help with repairs.

"What do you want?" Angelo snapped, his voice sharper than intended. Tyler flinched but tried to hide it, shifting awkwardly on his feet.

"I just—just thought you could use an extra set of hands," Tyler muttered, lowering the board slightly. "Figured it'd go faster with two of us."

Angelo felt the heat rise in his chest, a mix of irritation and guilt twisting his insides. He knew Tyler meant well, but the weight of everything—the rogues, the constant threat of Benjamin, the pressure of protecting Diana—was suffocating. And Tyler's good intentions felt like a needle poking at a balloon already stretched too thin.

"I don't need your help," Angelo growled, his voice low but laced with frustration. "I just need people to stop getting in my way."

The moment the words left his mouth, he regretted them. Tyler's expression faltered, the hurt clear in his eyes.

Angelo closed his eyes and forced himself to take a slow breath. Calm down. Get a grip. He could feel the burn of his alpha instincts surging, that dangerous pull to dominate, to push others away for the sake of control. But this wasn't the answer. Not here. Not with his pack.

"I'm sorry," Angelo said, dragging a hand down his face as he tried to steady himself. "That wasn't fair. It's not you, Tyler. I'm just... dealing with a lot right now."

Tyler gave him a small, understanding nod. "It's okay. We all know it's been tough—for both of you."

Angelo let out a heavy breath, some of the tension easing from his shoulders. He knew the others understood on some level, but that didn't make it easier. It wasn't just the physical damage from the rogue attack that he had to fix—it was everything they hadn't noticed until Diana was back.

While they'd all been focused on finding her, no one had bothered to see what her absence had done to him. Every day without her, every hour spent searching, waiting, and wondering if she was still alive, had chipped away at him. It had hollowed him out. And now, even with her back in his arms, he was still trying to patch the cracks her absence had left behind.

He set the hammer down with a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to take it out on you. I just... I can't afford to screw this up. Not now. Not with Benjamin lurking."

Tyler gave a sympathetic smile and handed Angelo the plywood. "You're not gonna screw it up. We've got your back, man. You don't have to do it all alone."

The words hit harder than Angelo expected. For so long, it had felt like everything rested on his shoulders—finding Diana, keeping her safe, fighting off Benjamin's shadow. But maybe, just maybe, he didn't have to carry it all by himself.

"Thanks," Angelo murmured, taking the board and setting it in place.

They worked in silence after that, the tension between them easing into something manageable. With each nail they drove into the wood, Angelo felt a little bit of the weight lift from his chest. It wasn't much, but it was enough to get him through the moment.

And for now, that was enough.

He glanced toward the staircase, where Diana still slept upstairs. She was safe, at least for now. But Angelo knew this was only the beginning. The real fight wasn't just against Benjamin or the rogues—it was against the beast inside her, the one that could tear everything apart if it ever broke free.

But no matter how hard things got, no matter how close they came to the edge, Angelo swore to himself that he wouldn't let it happen. He'd keep her safe. He'd keep them all safe.

Because losing her again?

That wasn't an option.

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