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The Quinjet hummed quietly as it soared through the sky, but inside, the tension was palpable

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The Quinjet hummed quietly as it soared through the sky, but inside, the tension was palpable. Lexi sat slouched in one of the seats, knees pulled up to her chest, eyes trained on the small window beside her. Wanda was right next to her, her hand resting gently on Lexi's back, offering silent comfort.

"Are you okay?" Wanda asked softly, her concern evident in her voice. Lexi didn't respond immediately, her thoughts still with Tony. The image of him watching the Quinjet take off, standing there with sadness etched into his features, played over and over in her mind.

"I don't know," Lexi finally said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It just feels like everything's falling apart." Wanda squeezed her arm. "We're going to figure it out. We'll be okay, ангел." Lexi nodded, though the knot in her stomach didn't ease. "I just... I left him behind. What if I never see him again?"

"You did what you had to," Wanda reassured her. "Tony knew it was the only way to keep you safe." Lexi exhaled shakily, biting her lip. "It just feels wrong." Wanda's gaze softened. "You did the right thing. And you're not alone in this. We'll get through it."

But Lexi couldn't shake the overwhelming feeling that no matter what they did, Ross would catch up. She hugged her knees tighter to her chest as she fought back the tears threatening to spill.

Meanwhile, at the front of the Quinjet, Steve and Natasha were quietly talking over their next steps. Steve glanced back at Lexi and Wanda, worry clear in his eyes. "She's taking this hard." Natasha nodded. "It's a lot for anyone to handle, especially her. But she'll get through it. Wanda's keeping her grounded."

Steve sighed. "Ross isn't going to give up. He's probably already tracking us. And with those encrypted messages—". "He's going to build a case against her," Natasha finished grimly. "We need to stay ahead of this. There's no telling how much he already knows."

At that moment, Friday's voice cut through the quiet. "Captain Rogers, General Ross is mobilizing a task force and they've detected the Quinjet's trajectory. We need to land and divert before they intercept." Steve's face tightened as he turned back to the controls. "How close are they?"

"Within an hour's range," Friday responded. "We'll need to act quickly."

Wanda overheard Friday and shot a worried look at Lexi.  She took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as Steve set a new course for the safe house. But even as they adjusted the jet's trajectory, heavy weight of anxiety pressed down on Lexi.

Minutes later, the Quinjet landed with a soft thud, settling in a remote and forested area. The air felt different here—quieter, more isolated—as if they had reached a place hidden from the world's chaos. As the ramp lowered, Steve and Natasha stepped off first, scanning the surroundings to ensure everything was secure.

Wanda, still holding onto Lexi's hand, gave her a reassuring squeeze as they followed behind. Lexi's eyes darted around, taking in the small, nondescript cabin nestled between the trees. It wasn't much, but it was safe.

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