{ Jasmine }
"Jasmine wake up" I heard Maeve say " what happen" I asked rubbing my eyes trying to get up "oh nothing I just wanted to wake you up" she said , she laughed falling back as I threw my pillow at her
"oh my god I'm gonna get you Maeve" I said and she got up and ran down stairs.
2 hours later ( sorry for skipping a lot )
"Hey Jasmine in gonna go to the mall wanna come" asked Maeve "no thanks I'm gonna stay here" I said "okay bye " she said and walked out the house. Later I heard knocking on the door. i ran to open the door. "Hey Sammy " I said "hey Jasmine "he said "come in" I said and closed the door.
"Are you ready for your first lesson" he asked "yeah " I said. I grabbed his hand and took him to my room. I closed the door.
Sammy's pov > lesson 1
Damn she perfect I can't wait. "Okay are you ready "I asked her "yeah so what's today's lesson" she asked " kissing " I said "okay how do we start" she asked "here come on sit on my lap" I told her "okay" she said.
Once she got on my lap I immediately pushed my lips on to her's. We started to kiss passionate. It was perfect she kisses amazing. I then start to move down and kiss her neck. I finally hit her sweet spot and she moans a little. "What was that" she asked " that was your sweet spot now you have to find mine "I said "okay" she said
She then started to kiss my neck when I finally moan. I go back up to her lips again and kiss her passionate on her lips. We finally stop "that was amazing "she said "well wait until lesson 2 which is Tommarow" I said and looked into her amazing cute adorable eyes.
Jasmine's pov
Sammy stops looking at me and gives me his number. " Text me "he said "okay" I said back. He gets up and walked out my room and then out of the door. That's was amazing I can't wait for lesson 2.
A/N :: idk what I'm doing with lifeeee lmaoooo

Sex Lessons - Sam Wilkinson
FanfictionBaby lemme teach you a little something you'll enjoy copyright- Finassgilinsky {in progress of editing, chapters will be longer)