Jasmine's pov
Me and Maeve walked into the living room. "So is Sammy picking us up." She asked to be Honest I don't even know "hold up let me text him."
Me- hey are you picking us up or what
Sammy💯😏- yeah if you guys want to
Me- first we don't know where your friend lives or what friend it is
Sammy💯😏- your right then I should probably pick you guys up😂
Me- duh
Sammy💯😏- alright well I'm outside
Me- tf
Sammy💯😏- I was already going to pick you guys up I'm not stupid😂
Me- alright bye
"Maeve he's already outside." "Oh damn he fast then." She winked
I pushed her playfully out the door. We go inside Sammy's car I sat in the back and Maeve in the front.
Tbh I wanted to sit in the front but for some reason Maeve argued with me she wanted to sit in the front.
I didn't want to fight so I gave up and sat in the back. I don't know I feel like Maeve likes Sammy for some reason but I do too.
We arrived and let me tell you the house was huge , We got off and walked to the front door. Instead of knocking Sammy just walked in well okay then.
Me and Maeve followed behind. We walked more and finally got to where I'm guessing is the living room.
We walked more in and I was shocked at what I saw , Damnn bless me now , so many hot boy's. Nope me and Maeve did the right choice to to move here.
"Hey samm- woah who are these hott little mamas." Some boy asked let me say he looked hot with them tattoos
"This is jasmine and Maeve." Sammy introduced
"And these are Nate, Matt, Shawn, Jack and Jack-" I cut him off
"Woah wait you said Jack two times." I asked confused
"Well little mama there are two Jacks that's Jack Johnson and that's Jack Gilinsky." I'm guessing the one name Nate said
"Oh okay so the little one is Johnson and the one with them eyebrows on fleck is Gilinsky." I asked trying not to sound confused
"Yep." Said Sammy popping the p
"Anyways that's Carter, Cameron, Nash, Hayes, Aaron, Taylor and lastly Dillon." Sammy finished
After getting to know everyone we all sat down. There was an awkward silence. "So are we just gonna sit here like this or are we going to do something." I said
"Hey how about we play truth or dare." Cameron spoke up "yeah and we even called some girls to come join us they can also play." Said Carter
"Wait who's coming." I asked confused "just some friends of mine you guys will meet." Said Carter
"Oh okay that's cool." And right when I said that we heard knocks on the door
"Yup that must be them." Said Carter and got up to go open the door.
He came back with 4 girls. "Guys meet Maggie, lily, Melissa and Abby."
We all said hellos and were about to start the game.
"Okay who wants to spin first." I asked "I'll go." Said Nate "okay." I said and gave him the bottle
He started spinning it and it landed on Sammy. "Truth or dare Sammy." He asked
"Dare." He said "okay umm I dare you to make out with Abby."
Sammy looked at me but then went straight to Abby. He sat down and pulled her on his lap.
She leaned up and Sammy leaned down and there lips crashed together. They seem like they were enjoying it.
They finally finished the heated make out session ewwww and she stayed on his lap and he didn't mind.
Oh hella nah it's on

Sex Lessons - Sam Wilkinson
FanfictionBaby lemme teach you a little something you'll enjoy copyright- Finassgilinsky {in progress of editing, chapters will be longer)