Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


(Matthias, the Warden's office)

For some reason Kevin had refused to explain to me over the phone why he wanted me to wait until after my visit today before I started hunting for an able attorney to handle his case. He had been very adamant about it. I emptied my pockets of my loose change, my wallet, and my cell phone. I placed them in the heavy brown envelope provided to hold the visitors belongings, and I signed the property receipt after handing my possessions over to the guard behind the x ray monitors. I watched as he tore of the stub of the form and place my things in a locker behind him and locked it.

He handed me the ticket stub to retrieve my things later on when it was time for me to leave my man and this dreary place. Just the thought going home alone was threatening to send me spiraling into the greedy depths of depression, but I stood firm and refused to let my emotions get the best of me. Kevin was depending on me and I was more than ready to fight to the bitter end for my baby, to clear his name, and to get him out of here.

I stepped through the body scanner and once I cleared the machine I abruptly came nose to chest, and I mean a humongous chest right in front of me. I tilted my head all the way back because I had to in order to look up into the very handsome but stoic face of the behemoth in front of me. Sweet baby Jesus, if I wasn't taken I would climb this big daddy in uniform like a tree and rub myself all over those thick muscles. I have my Kevy though and he was perfect for me. I chanted that phrase in my head as I watched those perfectly sculpted lips curve up into a knowing smile.

My head snapped up when the gorgeous giant's voice rumbled out of his chest like thunder. I was surprised when he addressed me by my name. "Mr. Anderson, if you will please come with me."

"Umm...Why?" I asked as I placed my hand on my hip and popped my pelvis to the side. Where was this man trying to take me, I came to see my boo and I'll be damned if they are going to keep me from him, I miss him like crazy.

The big man bent at his waist so that his handsome face was just mere inches from mine. My eyebrows shot up and I swore I heard my knees knocking together making a hollow sound like someone banging two coconut shells against one another.

"You will be meeting Mr. Miller upstairs today instead of in the visitation room." He quietly explained and I felt my heart flutter with excitement in my chest.

Oh gosh, I hope we weren't going to be separated by any partitions wherever this massive guard was getting ready to take me. Not being able to touch Kevy or even hearing his voice without a static filled headset as our only way of verbal communication would be pure heaven right about now.

I all but jumped on the man's back and told him to mush. "Okay then, lead the way." I chirped instead and I gallantly waved my arm forward signaling for him to get this show on the road.

Big and beautiful just smirked at me once again before he turned and I followed those massive shoulders down a series of confusing hallways, up a length of stairs until we arrived at a single elevator. I must say I felt like I was now fully immersed in one of those horror movies. You know the one where the unsuspecting kid is lured into the bowels of some grungy building only to wake up confused, groggy, and chained up in a white tiled room with strangers trussed up in similar fashion, and the only way to get free is to cut off your own hand off with a rusty hacksaw.

I shuddered at the direction my thoughts decided to take me but I got on the elevator anyway, and I prayed the lift will hold under this one's gargantuan frame. Surprisingly enough the lift smoothly ferried us upwards without even so much a sound of protest. After a few seconds the doors slid open and I had to blink at the sheer opulence of this floor in contrast to the dull bareness of the décor downstairs. At least my heart felt lighter that I wasn't being led into some kind of torture chamber, not with these posh surroundings.

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