Quit The Game

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"What the fuck Maddie!" Dinah yelled from across the lunch table. It was about four weeks later from the girls trip that Ally, Lauren, and I had. We were all currently eating lunch. "Why the hell can't you play, this is our last year! You can't just not play! This is your life you love volleyball!"

"I just, I mean.. I want to. Coach won't let me.." I spoke. It was true. I had told Coach V, and he said with my condition I can't play. I really, really want to its just, I don't want to take any risks.

"Coach is out of his mind! Your one of the best players on the team!" Normani shouted, making everyone look this way.

"Geez! Do you want to be any louder?" Camila told Normani.

"Guys, it's no big deal! We will all be there for the game, and still do the Friday night hang outs." Lauren said, trying to help ease the situation.

"I guess your right.. but I'm still mad as fuck at Coach." Dinah responded.

Ally hit Dinah's arm in a way of telling her to watch her language. Dinah rolled her eyes in response. You looked over at Lauren who was sitting right next to you on your left. She looked at you and smiled. Oh I wish I could kiss her. She took your left hand into her right hand. She has been keeping close to you lately. Always by your side.

"Bruh, when is Laddie coming back? I miss it!" Camila asked.

"When the time is right." Lauren told Camila simply and you nodded.

"Yeah, as disgusting as it was, it was also kind of adorable." Ally said.

"Maddie are you ok? You look kind of pale?" Normani asked you.

"Yeah, I'm just tired. I didn't sleep all night but when I did catch some sleep I ended up waking up late. I didn't have time to do any make up or anything. I probably look like a monster." You replied.

"No, you look beautiful as always." Lauren complemented you. You felt your cheeks burn slightly.

"Ew." Ally said making a gaging noise.

"It's cute!" Camila exclaimed.

"So why didn't you sleep?" Normani asked another question.

"I don't know, just thinking I guess." You told her truthfully. "I have a lot on my mind."

"Where's Amber?" Camila asked.

"She has some friends." I said smiling, and pointed to the table where she was seated.

"Aww, my little Bambi is all grown." Dinah said, acting like she was crying.

I'm Sorry -Lauren/You-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now