A Cut above

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I slipped through the crowd. I could feel the heat of Aze's eyes on me, watching my every move from across the room. He was waiting, ready to pounce, but I wouldn't give him the chance.

Not tonight.

Mr Walter, was still surrounded by his admirers, soaking up their attention. His laugh boomed across the room, I felt a wave of disgust roll through me. Men like him thinking they were untouchable pissed me off. Just like Aze. But everyone had a weakness, and tonight, he was about to meet his.

A waiter passed by with a tray of champagne flutes, and I deftly snagged one, pretending to sip while my eyes scanned the crowd.I closed the distance between us, I knew would catch his attention. And it did. I felt his gaze shift toward me, his eyes lighting up with interest as I approached. I smiled, letting the act wash over me, letting myself become the person he wanted to see.

"Mr. Walter," I said smoothly, my voice laced with charm as I stepped up beside him, close enough for him to catch the scent of my perfume. "I couldn't help but overhear your fascinating conversation. You certainly seem like a man who knows how to command a room."

He turned toward me. His eyes swept over me, lingering in all the wrong places, but I kept my expression neutral. Disgusting Bastard.
"And who might you be, my dear?"

I let my smile widen, the perfect balance of intrigue and allure. "Amber Voss. So glad to finally meet you , i heared so much about you."

Walter's smirk grew, exactly as I had thought . Men like him were predictable, easy to manipulate. He thrived on attention, on the idea that everyone in the room was beneath him. He had no idea who I was or what I was about to do.

"You've certainly come to the right place then love" he said, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Why don't you join me for a drink?"

Perfect. I let out a soft laugh, just the right amount of flattery. "I'd love to. But only if you promise to share some of your secrets with me." i winked

He chuckled, clearly enjoying the attention, and gestured for one of his admirers to fetch us drinks. I kept my eyes on him, waiting for the right moment, waiting for Aze to make his move. I knew he was watching, knew he wouldn't let me take this kill without trying to interfere.

And right on cue, I felt him before I saw him.

"Mr. Walter," Aze's voice cut through the noise of the ballroom . "I've been searching for you all night. I need a word."

Walter looked up, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features as he turned to face Aze. I held my breath, waiting for his response, my heart racing.

But Walter barely glanced at him before turning back to me, his smirk returning. "After I'm done speaking with this lovely lady," he said dismissively, waving Aze off like he was nothing more than a nuisance.

I bit back a smile, the satisfaction of it blooming inside me. I could feel Aze's fury simmering beneath the surface, but he didn't react. Not yet. He was too controlled for that. But I knew that this moment stung more than he'd ever admit.

I turned to Aze, letting my smile widen just a fraction, enough to let him know that I had won this round. His eyes locked on mine, and I could see the storm brewing there.

Without another word, I turned back to Walter, sliding my hand down his arm as I leaned in closer. "Why don't we continue this conversation somewhere more private?" I suggested, my voice low and seductive.

Walter's grin grew wider. "Lead the way, darling."

I could feel Aze's eyes burning into my back as I led Walter through the crowd, toward the far side of the ballroom where the private rooms were tucked away. The adrenaline surged through me, knowing that Aze was watching, knowing that he couldn't stop me. Not this time.

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