Dance in the Dark

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The night wrapped around me ,thick and cold as I slipped through the darkened streets. My footsteps were quiet almost soundless , the only thing that made my presence real was the pounding of my heart heavy against my chest.

I had been tracking my target for weeks—a low-level informant who held critical information about a rival agency. My heartbeat synced with the rhythm of my footsteps, each step bringing me closer to the man who had betrayed my agency. Tonight, I would make him pay.
I rounded the corner, my breath steady and then I spotted him. He leaned against a graffiti-covered wall, laughing arrogant into his phone like he didn't have a care in the world. The sight made my blood boil. Fool.

I knew the stakes; I couldn't afford mistakes. This mission was personal, and the adrenaline coursing through my veins sharpened my focus. I drew my knife. One clear strike—that's all it would take. My hand tightened around my knife, the cool metal pressing into my palm.
My kill was so close—i just needed him to turn around and then and would be over .

But then, something caught my eye.

A tall figure from the opposite side of the alley, his dark hair tousled and his features sharp in the moonlight. His brown eyes, filled with intensity, locked onto the same target.
But then I saw the gun in his hand , aimed directly at my targets head . Fuck. I didn't have time to think, my instincts took over.

I needed to be fast, I ran to my target, my knife cutting through the air in one sharp motion. The informant barely had a moment to react before my blade found his skin, cutting deep into his throat.

He fell to the ground, his lifeless body collapsing on the ground . Blood pooled beneath him, soaking the floor.I heard a sharp breath behind me. The man stepped out of the shadows.

I spun around, my knife still dripping with blood, my heart racing.

My eyes locked on him, and for a moment, the moonlight made his face more visible. He was-damn it-he was handsome. His brown eyes, filled with a disturbing passion, seemed to look right into my soul. His dark hair framed his face, falling carelessly onto his forehead.
He smirked, stepping closer.

"That was my kill," he said, his voice low and dangerous. He paused, sizing me up, his eyes lingering on me in a way that made my skin crawl. I could feel his gaze moving over me.
"Impressive though. Too bad I have to kill someone with such talent."

Before he could say another word, I lunged at him, my knife flashing in the dim light. He dodged my strike with a frustrating ease, like he'd been trained for this his whole life.

Our blades clashed. I fought good , just like i was trained , every strike calculated, fast, and deadly. But he wasn't some amateur. His movements were smooth, and he blocked my attacks like he'd seen them coming a mile away. Every time I had a chance to stab him, he slipped away.

Then I felt it—a sharp pain in my arm. Fuck. Blood trickled down from a cut he'd landed, but I ignored it. My heart pounded painfully against my chest, my breath only came in short,sharp bursts.
He moved faster than I expected, twisting my wrist until the knife slipped from my Hand and fell to the ground.

Before I could react, his blade was pressed against my throat.

"So feisty," he said, his breath hot against my ear. I could feel the edge of his blade digging into my skin just enough to sting.

"Who are you?" he demanded, his tone dark. "You better answer—I'm already pissed you killed my target."

I spat blood and looked at him angry
"I'm May. You'd better remember me because I'm the last thing you're going to see before I kill you."

His smirk grew, and he leaned in closer, his lips brushing my ear.
"What a tempting threat... Too bad you're all words and no action, sweetheart."

His arrogance made my blood boil. "Shut up."
I slammed my knee into his stomach, hard enough to make him groan  in pain. His grip loosened. That was my chance.I  rolled out of his hold, grabbing the gun from my belt and pointing it straight at him.

He looked at me with that same arrogant smirk. "Do you even know how to use such a Big Boys Toy that's-"

I didn't waited for him to finish . I fired two quick shots that grazed his shoulder. "Fuck!" He grabbed at his bleeding arm, but his mocking grin didn't fade. "Looks like you do," he said through gritted teeth.

Spinning around, he pulled his own gun, returning the fire. I pressed myself against a pillar, my mind racing. Damn it why was he so good-he matched me move for move, our shots missing just by inches.

Suddenly my gun clicked empty. Fuck. I tossed the gun aside, reaching for my knife strapped to my thigh. But before I could pull it free, his hand closed around my wrist, with a quick motion I kicked his gun from his hand. It clattered to the ground and we collided with brutal force.

It wasn't about weapons anymore—it was about survival. I ducked under one of his swings, slamming my elbow into his ribs, but he didn't back down. His strength was undeniable. And yet, I wasn't backing down either. I never lose.

Suddenly, he caught my wrist mid-punch and twisted my arm behind my back, forcing me up against his chest. I gasp surprised ,trying to break free, but he was stronger. He pinned me to the ground.

For a moment, everything went quiet the only thing hearable was our ragged breaths in the cold air, our faces inches apart. Blood smeared across our skin. His eyes locked with mine.

"I'm Aze, by the way," he said with a twisted smirk, his voice low and mocking.
"I didn't ask," I spat back, daring him to push further.

His smirk widened. "Just making sure you scream the right name when you beg for mercy."

"You wish," I shot back, not breaking eye contact.

He laughed dark "Sweetheart, you're the one struggling to breathe underneath me," he said, leaning in closer. "Don't enjoy it too much."

I clenched my teeth. His weight pressed down on me, making it hard to breathe, but I still had strength. I twisted my body, throwing him off me.

I rolled out from under him and kicked him hard in the stomach.We both lay on the cold ground, breathing heavily, blood staining our clothes. But before either of us could move, a voice crackled through my earpiece. It was my Boss: "May, get out of there—now. The police are on their way."

My jaw tightened in frustration.

"This isn't over," I snapped, my eyes burning into his.

Aze wiped blood from his mouth with the back of his hand, not breaking eye contact.
"Not even close," he said with a smirk.

And with that, I ran out the ally my body slipping back into the night as easily as it had come.

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