Sexy fun time.

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Once again this isolated to its own chapter, fell free to skip it if you'd like. Rated M for mature, do to sexual content. Though this story is marked as mature already.

(Veladandra's POV)

Hisoka pushed me against the wall, kissing me in a hungry passion. His hands fighting to unhook my bra, our shirts laying on the floor. I was kissing back, not quite as hungrily. Then I paused and pushed him back. "Maybe we shouldn't do this here..." I say worridly.

"Veladandra... you started this, take responsibility." He said playfully, yet seriously.


We sat in our seats at the back, watching another stupid teams video doing a cooking challenge. They need good votes for better ingredients, and utilities. I looked over at Hisoka, who was staring at the screen with a bored expression. Suddenly I got and evil idea and grinned. I gently moved my hand from his, and used it to massage his crotch. He gasped quietly in surprise, and looked at me. My grin widened, and I slowly unzipped his pants. We sat alone in the back row so no one would see, if I happened to give him a hand job. I took his girth into my hand, and gently stroked up and down. He was rock hard in an instant, earning a giggle from me. I stroked faster, and I could hear him breathing heavier and moans trying to escape. I grinned again, and stopped. He looked at me questioning, his eyes burning with lust. And I shook my head, returning his length to his pants, and zipping them up. I looked back at the screen just as it shut off, and placed my vote. Then stood and left the room, as I was heading down the first of many hallways to my room. Something grabbed me, and drug me into a bathroom. Before I could see who it was, my shirt was torn off and I was flipped around, being drawn into a kiss. That's when I saw it was a shirtless Hisoka, with eyes that blazed with lust. He pushed me against the wall...


I grinned, shaking my head. "I don't think you classify that as my fault, but fine." I lowered my self to my knees, and pulled down his pant. I looked at his still hard length, and then licked it from the base to the tip. Before wrapping my mouth around it, and lowering my head down. As I brought my mouth down on it, I used my tongue to massage it and twisted my head. Hisoka moaned, and began to thrust into my mouth. Slowly at first, but as I continued, his moaning got louder, and his thrusts got faster. He put his hands on the back of my head, and pulled it towards him. Shoving his entire length into my mouth, as he let lose a groan, which was accompanied by his cum shooting into my mouth. He let go, and I pulled my head away swallowing the remains.

"Oh, sorry to be rough sweety. But that was amazing!" He said, I could hear his breath was heavier then usual.

"Are you finished now?" I was full aware of the answer, his still erect dick not even 5 feet away from me. He looked at me eyes gleaming with lust, and picked me up. He set missed me hungrily again, and set me down on the toilet. Tearing off my remaining clothing, as he did so. He took my legs and placed them to either side of his waist, resting his length on me. He leaned down kissing me again, then thrust inside. I moaned into his mouth, as he thrust faster. His hands were roaming my entire body, mine were digging into his back. We continued to kiss, while moaning into each other's mouths. His length pushing deeper, and faster into me each thrust. His next thrust hitting a g-spot, and I climaxed. My moans were loud, and Hisoka had to cover my mouth so we weren't heard. In a few more thrusts he was close to his limit as well.

"H-Hisokaa ahhh, y-yo-ooou can't cum... inside." I managed to say between moans. He didn't seem to listen, and continued to thrusting his length inside me. His moans got loaded, and I could tell it would happen soon. "Hisoka! Bec-aaarful, not inside!" I said again, he moaned and kept thrusting. His back began to arch as he thruster, it wouldn't be long. After two more thrusts he finally pulled out in a hurry, and shot his load into the toilet I was on. His breathing was heavy, and his eyes showed he enjoyed it a lot. He kissed me once more, before looking around for our clothes. Once we dressed, we returned to our room and took a long nap, snuggling together.

Wasn't long but there ye go, the next update won't be for awhile. Just a warning on that. But ill try to get it up, as quickly as I can. Hope you enjoy this chapter if you read it.

On a side note, can you guys see the pictures I put on there?

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