Now that it was later... Julie wanted to talk to Lando. But she had no idea where to start.
"Lando...? Can we talk now?" Julie asked shyly.
"Of course. What's wrong?" Lando noticed her voice.
"Maybe somewhere more private...?" Julie asked.
"Let's get back to hotel then." Lando said worried.
Lando rushed back to the hotel.When They arrived he immediately closed the door and asked Julie what's wrong again.
"It's nothing to worry about. It's embarrassing..." Julie said.
"You can tell me" Lando looked confused.
"It's just that I'm getting nervous around you because I'm... I had a crush on you years ago. And I didn't even had my first kiss so no I'm not used to it. Every guy always thinks I'm used to it because I'm a model but I'm not!" It stormed out of Julie's mouth.
"I'm sorry. I don't want to make you uncomfortable" Lando said.
"You don't. I just wish I could... I don't know just get it done I guess." Julie laughed.
"You're cute." Lando looked at her. "I can kiss you if that helps"
"I'll come back to you, but for now I'm way too ashamed" Julie blushed. "But we could share the bed? I really don't want you to take the couch"
"Ok then" Lando smiled.The next morning Lando woke up with Julie in his armes. He slowly woke up Julie and she didn't realised that she was cuddling with Lando. Lando didn't mind so he let her rest a little bit longer.
Suddenly Julie started moving. And she placed her hand right on top of landos middle. He jumped up realising that he was hard and that she just grabbed him.
„What's wrong? Don't you want to watch tv?" Julie looked confused.
„no! I mean yes i do...? I don't know do you?" Lando covered himself with his blanket.
„What's wrong with you? Stop acting so weird and help me looking for the tv remote." Julie laughed.
„oh..." Lando realised that Julie didn't notice that she touched him.
„I thought I got it but you had to move!" Julie said.
„Julie... that wasn't the remote... that was... ah... it was me?" Lando blushed. „I'm sorry... I forgot... it's Morning...."
„Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I didn't... sorry! I really am sorry." Julie jumped up and locked herself in the bathroom.
Lando tried everything to get Julie back into the room. But nothing worked. So he put on a robe and went to Charles room. Obviously he woke him up.
„I'm sorry. I just really have to use your bathroom. I tell you Why Afterwards" Lando said while walking right into the bathroom.
He told Charles what happens and he followed Lando back to his room. After while Charles got her out of the bathroom. „I'm ok Julie. I promise everything is ok" Lando said.
„Can we just leave? We have to arrive together" Julie asked ashamed.
Charles didn't leave them alone anymore. Only time they where alone was in the McLaren garage. But Julie found an excuse not to join Lando in his driver's room before Free Practice.