Lando woke up with Julie in his armes. He wanted to hug her but noticed she wasn't wearing anything. He realised he's naked too. He remembered what happened last night and started panicking.
Julie was asleep but Lando slowly got out of bed and put on underwear. Suddenly it knocked. Lando knew it was Charles. He slowly opened the door and walked out of it.
"She's asleep" Lando said.
"Then wake her up?" Charles looked confused.
"No...?" Lando tried.
"Then get out of my way and I wake her up" Charles didn't understand Lando.
"No! You can't go in there" Lando blocked the door.
"What's up with you today?" Charles asked.
Lando looked at Charles with a guilty expression.
"Lando?" Charles knew it.
"I was drunk! And I made sure she's ok! And I really don't want to hurt her! Please don't kill me?" Lando suddenly said.
"She was drunk too! For you it's nothing but for her it's everything! She will remember this forever!" Charles nearly yelled.
"I will remember it too! And stop yelling in the middle of the hotel! I'm in my underwear!" Lando tried calmly.
"Get in there and wake her up. I'll wait in the lobby." Charles said madly before he left.Lando opens the door again and saw Julie standing there.
"Good morning?" Lando asked.
"Good morning, where did you sleep?" Julie asked.
„Ähm... next to you...?" Lando answered.
„But i was..." Julie noticed she was naked...
„I'm sorry" Lando said. But Julie just blushed before packing her things together. She couldn't look at him.Julie and Lando met Charles at the lobby. Charles didn't talk to Lando.
"Can you stop being a child?" Lando asked once they arrived at the airport.
"Can you keep it in your pants?" Charles answered.
"You know what I'm done. I'm sorry Julie. Text me when you're home safe ok?" Lando left them.He was done with Charles. He didn't do anything wrong. Julie is a grown woman and she wanted it. But as always it's Lando who gets the blame.
J: why did you leave?
L: I'm done with him saying everything is my fault. Because it's not.
J: he's just protective🙄
L: It's enough Julie. I didn't do anything wrong. And you could at least tell him that i didn't do anything.
J: it's not that big of a deal.🙄
L: it is. For me.Lando didn't answer her after that. He was pissed. She can do what she wants but when something happens it's his fault. And she standing on Charles side just made it worse.
C: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be that rude. You're not at fault.
L:thank you. Did she tell you to text that?
C: No she's sleeping we're waiting for an uber.
L: okLando wanted her to apologise. She should've told Charles to stop.
But she didn't, she let him get mad at Lando.