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Felix was sat in class with his friends, Han and Chan, the teacher was in the middle of her lecture as the door opened, Felix looked up from his copybook and seen the principal of the school walk in, Felix shot Chan and Han a confused look then he turned his attention back to the principal, the principal was whispered to Mrs. Park about something for a few seconds before he turned to address the class. "Class, you have a new student who will be joining you today, his name is Hwang Hyunjin and I expect you to make him feel extremely welcome and comfortable in this school" Principal Seo, announced, a boy, around Felix's age, if not, a little bit older, walked in and stood in front of the class next to Mrs. Park and Principal Seo. "Ah, there's a seat beside Felix, Felix raise your hand so Hyunjin knows where to sit" Mrs. Park spoke up, Felix, awkwardly raises his hand, Hyunjin spots the raised hand and walked towards Felix, Hyunjin sat down and muttered a soft "Thanks" to Felix. Felix have a soft smile in return then the principal left.

Class ended and Felix stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder, Han and Chan walked over to Felix and motioned towards the new guy, Felix, understanding what they were asking, turned around to face Hyunjin, he took a deep breath then spoke "'s lunch period right now, do you wanna have lunch with us?", heading Felix's question, Hyunjin looked up and slowly nodded, relief flooding his body at how nice Felix is being towards him "Y-yeah, yeah, please" Hyunjin spoke quietly, just above a whisper, he stood up and picked his bag up and followed the three boys to the cafeteria.

Once at the cafeteria, Felix showed Hyunjin how to order food, as the food prices depended on how many lives you had. Once they got their food they sat down with Han and Chan, Han was the first one to speak "So, how many lives have you got?" To which Felix immediately elbowed his side "Don't ask him that!" Felix scolded quietly, Hyunjin, seemingly taken aback by the question stutters "U-uh...three" he replied and held up his wrist to show the proof of his truth.

Just before lunch had ended, the principal walked into the cafeteria, demanding everyone's attention, "Alright, it has come to my attention that a student has been lying to us ever since he got here" the principal spoke, "You all know, to be able to attend this school you must have all three lives! And one student has two! He drew the other mark on himself" Principal Seo announced, Felix shot his friends a confused and worried glance, "Now, we don't know which student this is so I'm telling you all now to stand up and get in a line against the back wall" The principal explained further, without hesitation, Felix, Chan, Han and Hyunjin stood up and formed a line against the back wall and everyone in the cafeteria joined them.

Everyone was still lined up against the wall, the school security guard came in with a little device, Felix and his friends have seen this thing more then once, it's a small little device that goes on your wrist and scans the three life marks to see if they're real or not. Felix was the first to hold out his wrist, the Han, Chan then Hyunjin, however they were all clear, so the guy continued down the line while those four could go back to eating their lunch.

"How many times do they do that a year..?" Hyunjin asked the three boys "Rarely, they only do it if they think someone is lying" Felix responded, Hyunjin nodded in acknowledgment to the answer Felix gave him then they sat in an eerie silence as they watched the security guard rescan someone's wrist...

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