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Felix ran as fast as he could laughing at Hyunjin and teasing him "You can't get me" Felix laughed, Hyunjin laughed along with him while chasing him, slowly catching up to Felix...

It's been a few days since Hyunjin had joined school, he became really close with Felix, Han and Chan. Right now they're currently in the school library before school starts, the four of them are sitting on little brown cushioned chairs that surround a small brown coffee-like table, Felix sat in front of the window, Hyunjin beside him with Chan and Han in front of them. "So how are you finding the school so far?" Felix asked Hyunjin, making conversation, "It's alright, it's quiet surprisingly, teachers are alright, you guys are nice" Hyunjin replied with a shrug, the three of them chuckled at his nonchalant response to Felix's question "Yeah it's a nice and quiet school that's for sure" Chan chimed in with the others nodding in agreement.

"You know what I don't get..? I don't get why these stupid marks define everything in our lives" Hyunjin said as they all sat down for lunch in the cafeteria "It's just how life works for us unfortunately, I don't get why food and drinks are allowed to be given to you if you have the three marks, but you get rations if you have two or one" Han piped up after he swallowed the food in his mouth, Felix nodded "Yeah, I wish our government or whatever it is that made this stupid rule would just change it back to how it was, y'know?" Felix added and then it was Chan's turn to join in on the conversation "Yeah I agree, it's stupid but hey, try not to die am I right?" He joked and the other three boys tried not to laugh "Dude you can't just say that.." Felix jokingly scolded as he held in a laugh "Hey I'm just being honest" Chan replied and jokingly held his hands up in surrender.

"Hey did you guys get that email? About the school trip?" Han said as they packed up their books for the day "Oh yeah! The trip to Malaysia right?" Felix replied and Han nodded in response "Yeah I got that email, are you guys gonna sign up for it?" Felix asked the three boys "I mean, I will if you guys will" Chan replied to which Han and Felix nodded in agreement "Uh, y-yeah, yeah I'll go too" Hyunjin spoke up "Great!! Let's go put our names down" Felix replied. They all stood up and left the empty classroom and made their way down the school hallways and walked into the cafeteria and seen Mrs. Yang sitting at a table with the trio sheet in front of her "Hey boys, here to sign up for the school trip?" The woman asked and they nodded "Great, just sign your name down and the deposit fee has to be in before the weekend" Mrs. Yang explained, the four boys nodded with smiles and each signed their names down on the sheet.

"You guys wanna go to a cafe or something?" Han asked as they made their way out of the school "Yeah, I could do with some hot chocolate" Felix mumbled back, Chan and Hyunjin nodded in agreement.

"How long is the flight to Malaysia anyway?" Felix asked as they got seated in the cafe, "Uhhh I think it's around...pfft, 6 hours and forty minutes..?" Chan replied "Are you serious? Dude that's too long" Felix playfully whined "Stop whining! We're gonna have the time of our lives for two whole weeks! You can survive a six hour and forty minute flight" Han countered and Felix playfully huffed and crossed his arms over his chest with a fake pout, Hyunjin chuckled silently to himself, finding Felix's pouty behavior amusing.

"Wait actually which area did you move into?" Chan asked Hyunjin as he sipped on his hot chocolate "Uh I moved into the Garosu-gil's not far from the school, a ten minute walk at that" Hyunjin responded "Wait really? That's like around the block from me!" Felix replied happily, Hyunjin smiled widely at this news "Maybe we can walk to school tomorrow...?" Hyunjin asked hopefully, Felix nodded with a big toothy grin "Yeah! Yeah of course" he replied "I'll meet you at the corner store?" Hyunjin questioned "Yeah, the corner store, I'll meet you there" Felix replied.

It's been a few days, Felix and Hyunjin have been walking to school together everyday since they first planned it, right now Felix is at the corner store waiting on Hyunjin so they could walk to school together, Felix had his head in his phone as he waited patiently on his friend, he heard footsteps so he looked up from his phone and seen Hyunjin approach him "Morning" Hyunjin mumbled as he wiped at his eyes "Morning" Felix replied with a soft smile, Felix was always happy in the mornings, he was an early bird whereas Hyunjin, he hated the mornings, he's a night owl, he likes being up late to sit with his thoughts and maybe draw or sketch somethings, he likes to be awake when the rest of the world is asleep, it gives him peace of mind, time to reflect.

Felix and Hyunjin started their walk to school, but this morning..something was different, the silence between them was unusual, not unusual as in awkward or anything bad, it was something good, maybe? As they walked, Hyunjin kept stealing glances at Felix, admiring the freckles that adorned his cheekbones and nose, his soft features, his big brown eyes, he tore his eyes away before he was caught.

As they continued their walk to school, their hands kept brushing against each other which would make Felix blush lightly and Hyunjin would bite back a small smile, their hands kept brushing against each other and Hyunjin couldn't take it anymore, he hooked his pinky with Felix's and gently held his pinky as they walked, Felix looked down at their intertwined pinkies and he smiled then looked back in front of him as he walked, "This okay?" Hyunjin asked, barley above a whisper which caused Felix to look at him, Felix nodded with a small smile "Yeah, it's okay" he whispered back.

The calm before the storm...

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