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I-it's gonna be- it's gonna be okay

It's the weekend, Felix was at home packing, yes he knows it's the second day of the month but he likes to be prepared, he's on a ground FaceTime with Chan, Han and Hyunjin "Ugh, what else do I need?!" Felix asked with a groan of frustration "Oh, I know, a break" Han's voice sound from his phone, Felix rolled his eyes at his friends smart reply "Yeah real funny, Hannie" Felix muttered "He's right, Lix, you need a break, it's the second day of the month, we're not leaving for another few weeks, continue packing later" Hyunjin spoke up as his FaceTime video showed him drawing on a piece of paper as he glanced at his phone while talking "Yeah alright" Felix replied, his voice sounding a lot softer when he spoke to Hyunjin than it did when he spoke to Han or Chan, Felix picked his phone up and he laid down on his bed.

It's been an hour, the four boys are still on FaceTime with each other talking about the school trip to Malaysia "Where is it we're going in Malaysia?" Chan questioned "Uh I think it's Kuala Lumpur" Han replied "wait we are..?" Hyunjin asked and Han nodded in response "Damn" Hyunjin muttered, "Why? You been there before?" Felix asked Hyunjin "Uh, y-yeah I uh, I...visited, you could say" Hyunjin mumbled, the three boys furrowed their eyebrows at his response but decided not to press him on the matter.

It eventually grew into the evening, the four boys were no longer on FaceTime with each other, Han was watching a movie with his parents, Chan was on an evening stroll, Felix was laying in bed watching ainme on his laptop and Hyunjin was still sat at his desk drawing in his sketchbook.

Felix grew bored of watching ainme so he shot a text into the group chat asking if the three boys were free, he was told no by Han and Chan but a separate message from Hyunjin came in, the message was in a direct message and not in the group chat, Hyunjin told Felix he could meet him at the corner store where they meet up before school, in ten minutes, Felix replied to the message, agreeing to meet Hyunjin in ten minutes.

Felix stood at the corner store waiting for Hyunjin. It was warm out but the sun was nearly setting, he felt someone gently link their pinkies together and he smiled as he knew it was the boy he was waiting on."Took your time" Felix joked "Hey, I tried alright?" Hyunjin played back and they started walking, their pinkies still intertwined.

They ended up going to a nice little scenic park, the two boys sat down under a tree to get shade from the sun, Felix's back was up against the trunk of the tree while Hyunjin was laying down with his head resting on Felix's lap, they sat in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's presence while Felix gently ran his fingers through the boys hair "That feels nice" Hyunjin hummed as he closed his eyes "Yeah? Tough" Felix teased as he stopped his hand from running through Hyunjin's hair, causing Hyunjin to groan "Felix! Why did you stoooop" The older boy whined playfully. "I felt like it" Felix replied with a teasing smile "Oh my, what have I done to deserve such a beautiful smile?" Hyunjin replied, deciding to flirt a little bit, as the words reached Felix's ears  he immediately blushed and covered his face to block Hyunjin's view "S-Shut up" Felix mumbled, a little flustered from Hyunjin's teasing "Sorry, I can't help it, you're easy to mess with" Hyunjin said with a grin, his grin seemed to fluster Felix even more and he let out a groan. "You're being so cute and adorable right now it's making me want to kiss you" Hyunjin whispered, Felix's heart was already beating fast enough, he slowly removed his hands from his face as he looked down at Hyunjin "You're a jerk for teasing me y'know that?" Felix mumbled, trying to keep the atmosphere light "Is it really considered teasing if it's true?" Hyunjin replied with a smirk, "Stop giving me that damn smirk" Felix spoke quietly with red cheeks.

Hyunjin sat up and tucked a strand of Felix's hair behind his ear "Why would I stop smirking at you if I'm getting this kind of reaction?" He whispered to the blonde "W-well I-it's cruel" Felix stuttered, though there was no real malice behind his words, he tried his best to reply confidently but Hyunjin's words and actions just flustered him too much, Hyunjin chuckled softly at Felix's reply "Well I think it's cute" he whispered "Y-you do..?" Felix mumbled shyly and Hyunjin nodded without hesitating "Yeah, I do" he mumbled back "T-then what's uh...what's stopping y-you from..y'know...k-kissing me?" Felix asked shyly, he liked the idea but he was too shy to actually ask for Hyunjin to go through with it "You want me to kiss you?" Hyunjin asked softly, "I mean..I wouldn't- I wouldn't oppose to it" The blonde replied "Can I ask you a question first?" Hyunjin spoke and Felix nodded "Have you ever kissed anyone before?" He asked softly, not wanting to make the blonde boy feel embarrassed, Felix's cheeks flushed even more at the question and he shook his head "N-no..I haven't" he replied "Are you sure you want me to be your first kiss...?" Hyunjin whispered as he leaned in closer "Because once I take one..I'm sure I'm gonna want them all" he mumbled, Felix nodded, and used his knowledge from all the romance novels he has read and he brought his hand up to gently cup the side of Hyunjin's cheek "I'm sure" the younger male replied quietly, that was all the confirmation Hyunjin needed and without wasting another second he leaned in and gently connected their lips together.

A somewhat filler chapter...a lot more to come in the next one!!!

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⏰ Last updated: 14 hours ago ⏰

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