Running into trouble

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3 men stood in a horizontal row facing a familiar face.

Lucy hated being lost.

She was running, walking, and wandering around the city but she could not seem to find the statue.

Lucy stopped infront of a park and walked towards a young women sitting down on a bench watching the day go by.

"Excuse me?" Lucy asked politely

The women turned her head to face Lucy and her green eyes seemed to sparkle.

"How may i help you?" She answered in a sweet voice.

"Where would the statue of BelleVille be?"

"Oh! That would be right around that corner!" She said pointing south.

"Thank you!"

"No Problem"

Lucy walked slowly towards were the lady indicated.

She could see from a distance a statue.. It was big, about 3 times bigger than Lucy herself, and it stood there with grace.

Lucy smiled softly at the thought that a celestial mage could do so much.

And then it hit her...

"Open, gate of the Lion! Leo!"


Leo appeared in front of Lucy with a huge smile in his face.

"What is it Princess?"

"Loke, do you remember your owner named Belle?"

Loke's heart seemed to stop at the question.


" Who where the 3 mages that had her under a spell?"

"They all used a rare magic that is the same as dragon slaying magic... exept that its dark magic."

Lucy froze... She was right!

Back At The Dragon Realm...

"Are you sure you are ready for this mission?" Celestia asked as worry filled her voice.

"More than sure" Lucy replied.

"Well then in that case I shall give you your mission" Celestia said.

Sting, Lucy, and Rogue nodded.

" There are 12 other magic users that use magic similar to dragon slaying, except that their magic is dark and it is called demon slaying magic."

"Their goal is to destroy all of the dragons and dragon slayers in the whole world."

"For now your mission is to locate the 12 demon slayers and then report back to me"
End of flashback
"Loke, what are their names?"

"Yukio, the iron demon slayer, Rover, the wind dragon slayer, [ meh confused, is Wendy the wind dragon slayer?] and Natsume, the fire demon slayer."

"Loke, that sounds awfully familiar..."

"Yes, it does..."

"Gajeel, Wendy, and Natsu..." Lucy murmured.

"Lucy I'm afraid they will come back soon, so please be care-" Loke was interrupted by the loud noise of misery.

A purple light appeared in front of Belle's statue shooting straight towards the baby blue sky.

What happened was unpredictable...

The sky turned Gray and black clouds gathered around the city, all the people in the street seemed to vanish to their homes where they would be safe from whatever terrible disaster was about to happen, at least they thought they where safe...

The purple light glowed like a star blinding Loke and Lucy.

The glow fainted and the light shimmered away and in its place, stood 3 men with murderous looks.

Lucy's eyes widened at the scene and Loke seemed more than worried, way more than worried.

The man in the middle was tall yet not quite skinny. His hair was a red tone, and his eyes where onyx with a deadly and powerful tone to them. He wore a black ripped cloak and a silver necklace with fire in it he had a mark on the right side of his face, it was a demon with a dragon-like shape.

The one in the right had straight long black hair and it was tied up in a high pony tail. He had 2 ear piercings in his right ear and 1 mouth piercing to the right. He wore a black robe and had the same mark on his left arm.

The one on the left had baby blue hair and he was the smallest and shortest of them all. He was as tall as Gray but he had about half as less muscle. his eyes were dark brown. He wore a blue shirt and white jacket and jeans. quite an unusual look for a mage.

Just by the looking at them Lucy could tell who was who.

She focused on Natsume who smirked widely.

"I'm all fired up!"
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Dona-chan Loves Yall!!!!

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