The Power Rangers

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I need to find her.

I need to get to her before she starts to evolve.

I need to help her.

But where is she?

If I don't find her on the next 3 days I am dead meat and so is she.

Lucy I will find you...... I need to
At The Job With Lucy, Happy, and Natsu

Natsu, Happy, and I had just arrived the beautiful city called Sirenia.

"Hey Lucy, who sent the request?" Natsu asked me.

I took out the piece of paper and told Natsu "it was sent out by the mayor of this town, and he only lives 7 blocks for here."

"Happyyyyyyy fly me there I'm out of energy cuz I can't taste the sweatness of fooooooooooood!" Natsu moaned.

"I will carry you but not Lushee, her boobs make her way to heavy for my little wings!" Happy complained.

"SHUT UP YOU STUPID CAT!" I yelled at Happy.

GRRRRRRR! That cat is sure annoying and mean sometimes!

"Hey Natsu........." I was about to remind him of our job but I noticed he was starring at my boobs with some saliva coming out of his mouth.

"YOU PERV!" I cried as I crouched on the gound showing my back to Natsu and Happy.

"STOP STARRING YOU CREEPS!" I yelled as I threw a rock at Natsu.

Time skip, at mayor's house:

I chuckled.

This was the 4th time I had caught Natsu starring at Lushe's big boobs. I couldn't resist myself I had to.


"SHUT UP HAPPY" They both screamed in union.

They never said no. I smirked.

"Lusheee knock on the door, maybe they have fish inside!" I said with exitement.

Natsu P.O.V
Maybe I do like Lucy.

Suddenly the door opened up and a tall and very fat butler came out.

"Hello mr. um..... we came here because we received the request you sent from Fairy Tail and so we are here to catch the robbers" Lucy informed.

"Oh hi! Would you happen to be Lucy Heartfilia?" The butler asked.

"Um.... yes...... but how do you know me?" Lucy asked.

Wait is this dude after her I thought as I felt my fire get anxious to come out.

"Oh... Yesterday a woman came here with a picture of you as a little kid and she was asking me if I had seen you Lucy Heartfilia" he replied.

I looked over to Lucy and saw her cover her mouth as a couple of tears trickled down her pink cheecks.

"Lucy you ok?" I asked her in worry.

She noticed that I saw her and wiped the tears away.

"Yeah, I'm ok.... I just remembered something" she replied giving me a soft smile.

Nightmares { A Nalu, Sticy, Rolu, and Colu FairyTail Fan-Fiction }Where stories live. Discover now