Chapter 1

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I wake up on a typical day, inhaling the scent of breakfast wafting downstairs. I rush downstairs to eat and meet with Akira, my boyfriend, quickly. I hastily finish my meal, bid my mother farewell, and step outside to find Akira patiently waiting for me.

With a simple greeting of "Hey, cutie" from him, I feel my cheeks flush. We go to school together, parting ways at the entrance to head to our respective classes. Despite my best efforts, my mind remains preoccupied with thoughts of Akira and my deep affection for him throughout the school day.

~~~ after school.

As classes conclude, I propose grabbing a bite to eat with Akira, but he mentions he has work to attend to. While slightly disappointed, I understand the importance of his job. Curiosity lingers in my mind as he seldom discusses his work. Dining alone at the diner, I ponder about Akira, intrigued by his mysterious nature. Though concerns arise when he occasionally arrives at school with unexplained injuries, I choose to trust him, believing that if he ever needed assistance, he would confide in me.

I sat in the diner alone till suddenly Akira appeared. I thought you had work, and Akira said it was okay. I finished it quickly but couldn't miss a date with you. I smiled, but then I noticed he had blood on him.

I asked what happened, and he said it was nothing; I must have cut myself. I said okay, let's eat. We began to eat. We discussed school and how things were going in life. After our meal, we got up, and he kissed me; suddenly, people began to stare as if I were a boy and I was kissing a boy.

With a radiant smile illuminating his face, Akira observed that in our contemporary society, it has become ever more commonplace for boys to share a kiss, a beautiful expression of affection that reflects the evolving norms of our time.

I blushed, and my cheeks were as pink as my hair. We began to walk out and head to my house, where we held hands. Suddenly, a group of boys from school saw us together holding hands; they began to insult us and make rude comments.

One of the guys approached me and asked why I had to be kissing boys. Is it because you can't pull a girl.

Suddenly, Akira got mad and punched the boy in the face. Suddenly a fight broke out. The boy began to try to beat up Akira, but Akira was surprisingly a good fighter.

He was punching and kicking like he was trained for this. Soon things escalated when I was called a slur. Akira got furious he began to beat up the boy who called me the slur and he began to beat the kid up bad, I yelled Akira that's enough lets just go. Akira seemed to not listen. He was punching the boy good.

The boy began to bleed and I began to panic I yelled for him to stop and Akira finally stopped and said next time I wont stop, or hesitate to kill you. I knew Akira was protective but he threatened this boy.

I found myself pondering the extraordinary skills that made him such an exceptional fighter, yet what truly captivated my admiration was his unwavering commitment to standing up for what is just and right.

Yet, in that moment, a deeper unease began to swell within me. The thrill of standing by someone so fiercely protective clashed with the uneasiness that accompanied the unexplainable aspects of Akira's life. As we walked away, I could still see the aftermath of the brutal exchange in my mind—the blood, the shouts, the shock on the faces of onlookers.

We reached my house and entered, the tension hanging over us like an unwelcome guest. I closed the door behind me and turned to Akira, who exhaled heavily, his fists still clenched. "Are you okay?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

He nodded but didn't meet my eyes. It was as if the fight lay not just in front of us but deep inside him. I took a step closer, forgetting for a brief moment about the chaos outside. But then the reality of what had just happened crashed back down with a vengeance. "Akira, you scared me," I said softly. "You didn't have to go that far."

His gaze finally locked onto mine, dark and pained. "You don't understand," he replied, frustration evident in his voice. "They think they can just say whatever they want, but it's not just words. It's about respect. It's about you."

I felt my chest tighten. "But it's also about control, Akira. You know that, don't you?"

He looked away again, a flicker of something—fear or guilt—crossing his features. That was when I decided to probe deeper, needing to understand the layers of the boy I loved. "What really happened today? You're incredible in those moments, but it feels like something is pushing you. Are you in some kind of trouble?"

He hesitated, running a hand through his dark hair. "It's not what you think," he started, voice low. "I'm not in trouble. I just have... responsibilities."

For a heartbeat, my heart raced, sensing that his short words concealed an entire universe of secrets. "What kind of responsibilities?"

The silence thickened as he glanced at the floor, almost as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders. "Responsibilities that might put you in danger," he finally said. "I can't let anyone disrespect you, and some people... they don't play by the same rules. I can handle it, but I can't let you get involved."

I felt a shiver run down my spine as his words sank in. I had seen the bruised knuckles, the bloodied shirt, and the veiled intensity in his eyes. "Are you—are you involved with someone dangerous?" My voice was barely more than a whisper, the pieces of the puzzle beginning to fit together in a way that terrified me.

Akira took a step back, his expression a mix of frustration and pain. "I'm just trying to protect us. It's complicated."

"Complicated how?" I pressed, my heart racing as I realized I might be edging closer to the truth.

He sighed, the weight of secrets almost palpable in the air. "My family, they're into things you wouldn't understand. There are people whose backgrounds aren't what they seem. I can fight because I've had to learn to defend myself. But I swear, I want you safe. This fight today—it's nothing compared to what I deal with."

"But you can't just handle everything alone, Akira," I said, stepping closer again, desperate to reach through his wall. "You need to let me in. I can help. I care about you!"

His eyes softened, the fierce exterior cracking just a bit. "I wish it was that simple." He took a deep breath, as if steeling himself. "It's not just about us. There are dangers I can't put you through."

Annoyance flared up within me at his reluctance. "Why do you think I can't handle this? You're putting me on the sidelines, and I don't want that! I trust you, but you have to trust me too!"

Akira's eyes bored into mine, an internal battle raging beneath the surface. Finally, he said, "Look, if you're truly ready to understand, then there are things I'll have to show you. But they come with consequences."

"What kind of consequences?" I asked, suddenly feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation.

"The kind that could change how you see me. I need you to know—once you learn the truth, there will be no turning back." He met my gaze, searching for understanding and commitment.

"I'm ready," I declared, a determined look on my face. "I won't be afraid of the truth. Show me, Akira."

With a reluctant nod, he took my hand, a mixture of dread and hope flashing in his eyes. "Just remember, once you step into this world, there's no way out."


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