Chapter 3

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I lay in bed, overwhelmed and unwilling to do anything. I kept wondering if Akira had suffered for telling me the truth. Did he endure pain in his final moments? The thought was unbearable, and I couldn't shake the image of his lifeless body from my mind—it was driving me to madness.

I spent hours crying, then retching, and crying some more until I had no tears left to shed. My mother tried to comfort me during this difficult time, but it was challenging. I felt lost without him; I'd always imagined him by my side.

For an entire week, I lay in bed, completely unmotivated to get up or even eat. Whenever I attempted to eat, thoughts of Akira's body haunted me. I couldn't help but think about his suffering while I was simply going about my day. The ring I wore, a symbol of our promise to be together forever—was it all just a lie?

I was deeply depressed and in a fragile state, but my mother insisted, "Honey, you need to go to school." After a week, she forced me back to class. I dreaded facing everyone, knowing they would be talking about him. No one had liked Akira, yet suddenly, after his death, people pretended to be his friends or to accept our relationship.

As I walked into school with my head down, I overheard whispers about me and Akira. I tried to push through, but the pain was overwhelming. I couldn't focus in class—what was the point of being there when Akira was gone? After school, I decided to visit the place where Akira had died and lay flowers in his memory. I walked into the woods to the spot and sat by the river that flowed next to where he had passed.

Suddenly, I heard leaves crunching behind me. I turned to see the boys who had hurled slurs at me not long ago. One of them sneered, "Aw, look, he's mourning his little boyfriend." Another added, "Yeah, he got what he deserved."

The leader of the group stepped closer and said, "If you miss him so much, why don't you just go be with him." They ripped the flowers from my hands and began to shove me around. The main boy seized my arm, motioning for another to grab my other side. They pushed my face into the river and held me underwater.

Panic surged through me; I couldn't breathe. I felt utterly helpless without Akira to defend me. I didn't have the strength to stand up to them. I could hear their laughter as I struggled for air, and they continued to hurl slurs at me.

As one of the boys grew increasingly aggressive, he threatened to drown me, taunting, "Go be with your boyfriend." I kicked and thrashed under the water until, eventually, I lost consciousness.

The coldness enveloped me, and the struggle became more desperate with each passing moment. As my limbs grew heavy and my breaths became shallow, a sense of panic surged through me.

Just as the darkness began to close in, I felt a faint glimmer of akira, a distant memory of the surface beckoning me back to life.

But the weight of the water pulled me deeper, and I surrendered to the depths, my mind drifting into a hazy oblivion.

The world above faded away, replaced by a tranquil silence that enveloped me like a soft blanket. In that moment, I felt an odd sense of peace, as if the burdens of reality were slipping from my shoulders.

The coolness of the water caressed my skin, and I let go of my fears and worries, allowing the currents to guide me further into the abyss.

I was weightless, suspended in time, lost in a dreamlike state where nothing mattered but the gentle flow surrounding me.

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