the break up

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Charlotte's POV:

My head was throbbing as I sat up. I was in my bed, in my room, with my clothes on, which were all pleasant surprises. On very rare occasions I would wake up and I would be at my own house instead of some random boy's since we hooked up.

I never took boys to my own house. It was the one place where I could be myself instead of the slut that everyone at school sees me as. Why did everyone call me that, it was hardly true. Sure, I sleep with a lot of guys, but does that make me a slut? By definition, yes. But I'm my heart I'm really just a girl, who wants someone to love her back and just really can't pick 'em.

But when your a high school girl, who's seen as hot, no one could care less about my heart. They all just wanted a one night stand and that was the closest thing I was ever going to get to a loving relationship so I took the opportunity.

But really though, I had never ever brought a boy to my room and I didn't think I ever would. My room wasn't somewhere that I was going to do it with someone I didn't know the name of. My room was my safe haven, so if I were to bring anyone home to it, it would be someone extremely special to me and we wouldn't be having sex, we'd be cuddling in blankets and listening to my records.

But I knew that wouldn't ever happen, who would ever think of Charlotte Love to be the type of girl who would rather cuddle on a couch then make out at a party? No one in there right mind would ever think that of me.

"Charlotte! Take out the trash!" I could hear my dad yell from the kitchen.

I sighed and stretched a bit before standing up and shuffling out the door of my room. Today was Saturday so that was nice. Just a day to relax a bit instead of having to worry about if the boys were staring at me in class.

I usually had this pressure to make sure I was the center of attention. If I wasn't, everyone would forget about me and I'd be all alone. Forever. I shudder at the thought. If I have one fear, it's being forgotten.

I grabbed the garbage bag out of the kitchen trash can and made my way out to the front yard, where the cans all were. The sun was shining really bright on me, or maybe it just felt like that since I hadn't been inside for so long.

Just as I finished throwing the bag into the can, I noticed a commotion going on down the street. I watched from a distance as boy yelled angrily at a girl who sat comfortably in her car. She shouted something at him then drove off and I snorted. Poor guy, his girlfriend stranded him.

The boy angrily kicked a rock to get his rage out before he went on the long walk home. He was about to start walking in the sidewalk, when he saw me. He stared at me. Too far away for me to be able to make out what his face expression was. All I knew was that he was staring at me.

Maybe it was just the sun's rays, but I felt my cheeks heat up. He began to walk down the sidewalk, and it didn't take long before he was shuffling near enough to me to start a conversation. He stopped and glanced at me, as if he was too nervous to look me in the eye.

"Sorry you had to see that," he chuckled awkwardly.

"Sorry you had to experience that," I told him with sincere empathy, which, judging by his face, I don't think he was expecting.

"Oh, it's fine, I asked to get out of the car," he explained, "She accidentally spilt the truth that she cheated on me and I didn't like the idea of riding in the same car as the her anymore."

I nodded, "That takes guts."

"Thanks," he said and gave a little smile. He had crooked teeth but they looked good on him with his moppy blonde hair and light skin that looked almost perfect in the sun. He was pretty cute.

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