the call

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"Wake up, bastards! I made bacon and eggs for you guys!"

I shot up immediately as I heard a voice yelling and a loud sound filling my ears. My adrenaline instantly sky rocketed but as I looked around I realized it was only Tom clanging a pan and a metal spoon together while shouting for us to wake up.

"Thomas Matthew DeLonge, you scared the shit out of me and I almost had a panic attack!" I yelled and threw my pillow at his face. It obviously didn't do anything to him but I just wanted express my anger.

"Eggs and bacon waits for no one," he said with a shrug and walked off towards the fridge.

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle and buried myself back into my blankets. I was way too tired to get up. I started to relax a little, when I felt two arm scoop me up into the air. Mark.

"Wake up, sleepy head!" he exclaimed as he began to take me over to the island in the kitchen, setting me down on one of the chairs. "Now eat your food."

I stared down at my food. The bacon looked way too undercooked and the eggs were... questionable. "I am not eating this," I said bluntly.

Tom's noise scrunched up. "What do you mean? I made you food now eat it," he demanded, gesturing to my plate.

"The eggs look like piss!" I argued and Tom gasped dramatically.

"Don't say that about my food, young lady!" Tom ordered.

"I'll say what I want, mother hen!" I shouted back.

There was a short silence. But it was quickly broken by me and him cracking up at our words. I was laughing so hard I could barely breath while Tom had to sit down from laughing too hard.

After we both calmed down a bit, I let out a sigh and stood up. "Alright if I use you're phone?" I asked.

"Yup," Tom said, popping the "P".

I shuffled over to the wall phone near the kitchen and picked it up, dialing in my house's number. It was silent for a bit then I heard, "Hello?"

"Hi, dad, I just wanted to let you know where I was last night 'cause-"

I was cut off by his voice saying, "Who is this?"

I stayed silent for a moment as my heart dropped. He didn't even know my voice, or tell who is was by the fact I called him dad? "Uhm, this is Lottie," I said quietly.

"Who?" he asked again and my good mood began to just fade away.

"Charlotte, your daughter," I explained further.

"Oh," he said, "what do you want?"

"Just wanted to let you know where I was last night," I told him with a friendly tone. I had a fake smile plastered on my face, even though there was no one around to be showing the smile to.

I waited patiently for a response but nothing came. I confusedly put my ear closer to the phone and realized no sound was coming from it. The line was dead.

Oh. He hung up me. Why didn't he just want to talk to me? I didn't do anything bad to him. What was so horrible about me that he didn't want to talk to me? I wanted to figure out what it was so I could get rid of it. Then maybe he would love me. Than maybe I could be happy.

I sighed and set the phone back on the landline, slumping over on the floor and closing my eyes in defeat. He didn't care about me.

Suddenly the phone rang and I hopped up, immediately grabbing the phone and putting it to my mouth. "Dad?" I asked hopefully.

"What?" the voice asked and my heart sank.

"Oh, sorry, I thought my dad was calling me, um, who's this?"

Story of a Lonely Girl (billie Joe armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now