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We all clinked our drinks together and then took a sip. Well, I didn't take a sip, instead a large chug. Mark and Tom exchanged a look before shrugging and beginning to down their beers as well. Scott, of course had already finished his by the time we were all half way through ours.

We were on our fifth beer by now, or at least I think it was our fifth. I wasn't really keeping count. We were currently circled around a Candy Land game board as we played the game, laughing hysterically at jokes that weren't even funny.

"You're turn, Tom!" Mark shouted, smacking Tom repeatedly on his arm to get his attention. Tom scrunched up his face and shoved Mark away from him so he could concentrate on the game.

Tom, hurry up," groaned Scott but Tom just continued staring at the board as if their was a complex game strategy going inside his brain when in reality all he had to do was pick up a card and move his game piece to the color that was was on the card.

I sighed. "I'm gonna go get a snack," I mumbled and got up to go to the kitchen since Tom was taking too long.

I began to rummage through the cabinets, when suddenly the phone rang. I glanced over at the boys as Mark was getting ready to murder Tom if he didn't take his turn soon, then looked back at the phone. It was probably Tom's parents checking in on him since he had the house all to himself. Might as well answer it, I could just say he was in the bathroom and take a message.

I grabbed the phone off of the wall landline and put it to my ear. "DeLonge residence, how can I help you?"

"Who's this?" the voice asked. It was girl.

"Uhm, this is Lottie, Tom's friend, who are you?" I asked in return, confused.

"This is Marie, Tom's..." she paused for a split second in thought, "friend."

"Do you want me to put him on? He's just in the other room," I told her.

"That'd be great, thanks," she said in a friendly manner and I let the phone hang, sauntering back into the living room.

"Tom, some chick named Marie's on the phone-"

Tom leapt to his feet and scurried off towards the kitchen, accidentally stepping on Mark's foot on the way out, which made him yelp in pain.

I looked over at them in confused. "What was that about?" I questioned.

"Tom got stuck having to tutor this girl since her science grades are tanking and Tom's doing great in that class," explained Mark.

"How did I not know about this?" I asked and Mark and Scott shrugged on unison.

"Just never got around to telling you, I guess," Scott said as he took a swig from his beer bottle. How many was gonna drink tonight? He'd already surpassed the number of beer's we had drunken greatly and we drank a lot. I had to say I was a little worried about his borderline alcoholic tendencies.

"Well, tell me next time anything big happens, I wanna be updated," I warned and sat down to play the game again. "I'll just go for Tom," I muttered as I picked up the card to see it was blue. I moved Tom's game piece to the blue square and Mark sighed in relief.

"Finally," he breathed and continued to take his turn.

I could hear Tom talking from down the hall. "Why? Can't you at least do that part on your own? It's easy," he whined. I snorted. I never thought of Tom as someone who would be doing so well in school that'd he'd be tutoring someone but here we were.

I was ripped from my thoughts when Scott groaned really loudly. I glanced over at him and asked, "Scott, you okay?"

He shook his head, wincing at what seemed to be pain. "My head hurts," he mumbled.

Story of a Lonely Girl (billie Joe armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now