A day to travel

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With a click of the front door walking into the place that Ari Brookman spent 23 years calling home, she rolled her shoulders and sighed . Her feet carried her straight down the hallway to the kitchen , once alive with the radio playing to a background of utensils clanging and wrapped in the scent of food now cold and still.
Her eyes reddened, but the tears stubbornly refused to fall after the last few weeks of non-stop crying had simply run them dry .
For the past year, she has been mentally preparing herself for this, but it doesn't seem to have softened the blow . Her Grammy is gone, the only family she's ever known .
Ari's parents died in a car accident, and she at one month old , the sole survivor orphaned, left in the care of the only remaining kin, her mothers Aunt Pearl .

Pearl Brookman was a spitfire of a woman all her life she never knew the word subtle . She was a shoot first and asked for forgiveness later type , never showed weakness even while the chemotherapy was dragging her to to the ninth layer of hell . Grammy knew she was dying yet never showed Ari how bad the cancer had ravaged her .

"Loving you is my biggest blessing " was Grammys mentra to Ari as she raised her in their quiet home at the edge of town , to the best of her ability. Their bond tight to the point Ari never thought to leave even after graduation, and prospects for better employment in the city beckoned. Her home was here with Grammy , in their two person world.
Taking a moment to soaking in the silence, her eyes reddened again .
"Young lady buck up !" She scolded herself as she placed the contents of her hands onto the kitchen table. Her stomach making its opinion on skipping breakfast and lunch known. She set about making a sandwich as her mind rolled over her meeting with Grammy's lawyer earlier.

To be expected, the contents of the will was straightforward , Pearl never married she would lement that she could never tie herself to one man . The only thing Ari didn't expect was the lawyer to hand her a key to a safety deposit box . Grammy never believed banks were reliable enough with human greed, and the unknown made her skin crawl as she put it . She would rather rely on a disused nuclear bunker from doomsday prepers in the 50s that lay under the water tank out back of the property as her own personal vault.

The sad excuse of a dinner in hand she sat at the table, readying herself for what was so special that broke Grammys no banks conviction. It didn't feel like much , the plain small wooden box was all the contents the safety deposit box held . Taking a bite of her sandwich, she sighed "let's have at it then".
With shaking hands, she lifted the lid . Inside lay a note that simply read.

♡To my biggest blessing,

I hope you find a world of happiness and build a family full of your own blessings
love Grammy.

Under the note sat a stunning emerald pendant necklace ,not sure if its real gem as it gives of a slight glow as the light hits it . Grammy never wore jewellery so Ari had never knew she owed any .

As she admired it her stomach protested again , she took another bite . Just then a loud clap of thunder ripped through the sky scaring her in the process . With a jump at the noise she was unaware of the knife she had sat on the side of her plate, unfortunately her hand struck against the blade cutting a section on the edge of her palm . Blood dripping down her hand onto the pendant. Ari stood wide eyed as her pupils dilated the blood seemed to have disappeared into the stone ! its colour changing from sea glass green to a deep veridian. Time felt like it was travelling at a snails pace , her brain trying to discount what she was seeing .

She was a fan of the fantasy genre her mind raced with the possibility of what this may bring , her nerves taut her breathing stagnant . The pendant burst into a beam blinding light she averted her eyes , she couldn't move ! her body felt like i was vibrating with a hum of an unknown pulse. Ari legs weakened she fell into whirlwind it felt like her soul was being sucked into the light and soon lost consciousness.

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