Chapter 2

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In the weeks after Sway's victory over Zane, everything moved in a haze. The town celebrated their hero, but Sway knew his journey had only just begun. Zane's final words still echoed in his mind: "The other legendary Beyblades are out there. I'll claim them all."

One evening, Sway stood on a hill, gazing at the horizon. The cool breeze rustled his hair as he held Tempest Fang tightly. He could feel the Beyblade's energy pulsing, as if it too could sense the coming challenges.

"Something's on its way," he muttered.

A voice interrupted him from behind. "Sway! Brooding again?"

It was Kai, his best friend and fellow Blader. With his bright red hair and fiery personality, Kai was a force to be reckoned with. His Beyblade, Blazing Talon, was known for its aggressive, high-speed attacks.

"I'm not brooding, Kai," Sway said with a grin. "Just thinking."

"Well, stop thinking and start training," Kai joked, smirking. "You've been too distracted lately. I want a rematch!"

Sway laughed, pushing his concerns aside. "Alright, let's go."

They headed to their usual training spot by the riverbank, where the rushing water and open sky made for the perfect arena. They locked eyes, ready for the match.

"3... 2... 1... Let it rip!" they yelled together.

Tempest Fang and Blazing Talon launched into the arena, sparks flying as metal clashed. Each Beyblade pushed the other to the limit—Tempest Fang summoned whirlwinds, but Blazing Talon zipped through them with blinding speed.

But Sway's mind wandered for just a second—back to Zane, and the other legendary Beyblades. What if others were after them too?

That brief distraction cost him. Blazing Talon landed a heavy blow, knocking Tempest Fang off balance.

"Gotcha!" Kai cheered. "You're not focused, Sway."

Sway shook his head, laughing. "You win this round. I'll stay sharp next time."

Before they could begin another round, a rustling in the trees caught their attention. They turned to see a tall figure emerge from the shadows, wearing a long, dark cloak. His eyes were sharp, a smirk curling on his lips.

"Sway," the man said, his voice low and threatening. "I've heard stories about your power. The Beyblade of storms... I'm here to test if they're true."

Sway's grip on Tempest Fang tightened. "Who are you?"

The man's smile widened. "I'm Ryker. My Beyblade, Raven's Fang, holds the key to the dark elemental Beyblades. I need Tempest Fang to complete my set."

Kai stepped forward. "You'll have to get through me first!"

Ryker didn't flinch. "Fine. I'll take down both of you."

Tension filled the air as the three Bladers prepared to battle. Sway exchanged a look with Kai—this wasn't an ordinary challenge. Ryker wanted the same thing Zane did: the legendary Beyblades. And this fight was going to be intense.

"Let it rip!" they shouted. Raven's Fang spun into the arena with dark energy, silent and fast. It struck Blazing Talon first, hitting hard and swift.

"Kai!" Sway yelled, but he couldn't intervene.

Raven's Fang then turned on Tempest Fang. Sway called on the power of the storm, and dark clouds rolled in as thunder echoed overhead. Tempest Fang charged forward, unleashing whirlwinds, but Raven's Fang weaved through them with precision.

"This guy's too strong!" Kai growled as Blazing Talon struggled to keep up.

Sway clenched his teeth. He couldn't afford to lose now. He felt Tempest Fang's energy surging, but Ryker's calm, almost calculating expression unnerved him. Ryker seemed to be holding back, waiting for the perfect moment.

Ryker's eyes gleamed. "Let's see how you handle this." With a flick of his wrist, Raven's Fang unleashed a shockwave that sent both Blazing Talon and Tempest Fang flying.

Kai's Beyblade was knocked out of the arena, defeated. Tempest Fang wobbled, struggling to regain balance. Sway's heart pounded—he couldn't lose.

"Come on, Tempest Fang," he whispered. "We've got this."

He summoned all his strength, calling on the full power of the storm. Tempest Fang whipped up a fierce wind, clashing directly with Raven's Fang. For a moment, it looked like the battle could go either way.

But Ryker's smirk never faded.

"You're strong, Sway," Ryker said. "But not strong enough."

With one final, crushing strike, Raven's Fang sent Tempest Fang out of the arena.

Sway fell to his knees, stunned by his defeat. Ryker chuckled softly and stepped forward. "I'll be back, Sway. Next time, I'll take what's mine."

As Ryker disappeared into the shadows, Sway and Kai were left in silence. The weight of what lay ahead settled over them. Ryker wasn't just after a victory—he wanted control over the elemental Beyblades. And if Sway didn't get stronger, there would be more battles, more enemies, and much more at stake.

"We'll beat him next time," Kai said determinedly. "Together."

Sway nodded, fists clenched. He knew what had to be done. With his friends beside him and Tempest Fang in hand, he would be ready for whatever storm awaited.

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