♥: III

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Dates were becoming more and more frequent between the two, and they found themselves falling so much in love they couldn't tell if they have reached the end. It was like a black hole, sucking them in with no possible escape, and they fell, and are still falling. Phone calls and texts were the usual, and they sometimes stayed up late just to listen to their lover's voice, or a sweet goodnight. Yoongi was opening up more and more, the walls he built around his heart now crumbled into debris, and he knew he wouldn't regret the feelings. "Hey, let's meet up again tomorrow at the cafe." J-Hope said through the line one day. Date he wanted, date it was then.

"So how's the coffee here?" J-Hope asked, smiling at Yoongi. The third coffee date this week, not like Yoongi was complaining at all. It was sweet and nice, but he really wanted to show J-Hope his music studio one day. Yoongi took a cautious sip of his steaming cup of black tea, liking the sensation of the burn on his tongue. "It's okay, but I prefer the tea. Tea is good." He set the small porcelain cup back on the tiny plate and looked out the window. The weather was fine, nice calm clouds and just enough rays of sunshine. "Today's a nice day, huh." J-Hope hummed in agreement and looked out into the view. "Hey Suga?"

Yoongi was snapped from his train of thoughts. "Yeah?" He questioned, taking another sip of his drink. J-Hope had a small smile on his face, and his eyes were casted downwards. "Today's my last day working here." He breathed, taking in the still neutral reaction from Yoongi. "Oh?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "Then what are you gonna work as next?" The slam on the table and J-Hope rising from his seat shocked Yoongi to the core. And the sentence that left J-Hope's lips were almost hard to believe.

"You don't get it. It means I won't get to meet you ever again, Suga. Ever."

Yoongi felt nauseous. He wanted to puke, faint, both. He had a throbbing headache, his chest was tight, almost suffocating. His movements were messy as he hobbled up the stairs to his room, tears gathering at the corner of his eyed and threatening to spill any minute. He locked himself in his room and sank down against the door. It had been a long time since he cried, years maybe. He never thought he would get to feel warm tears running down his cheeks once more. J-Hope had left shortly after his proposal, feeling uneasy at the awkwardness lingering in the air. He didn't know what was happening, but life without J-Hope was life without oxygen, water or food. He had become part of Yoongi's life, his beautiful smile was already a necessity. He missed it so fucking much. He gave the door a good punch and tears spilled out even more.

He shakily reached for his phone in his bag after a minute, plugging it into the charger finding its battery flat dead. He was desperate to check his messages, to see if J-Hope ever left his traces after. And he did.

'Hey, sorry about just now...'

'I'm sorry! Please forgive me! I miss you already...'

'Are you mad? Don't be mad :('

'...Are you thinking of a breakup? Please don't. I love you. Please...'

Fuck love lifes. Fuck it's complications.

"Honey! Come down and say hello to Mrs. Jung and her son Hoseok!" Yoongi's mother called out from the other side of the door after a good one hour. If you opened to a random dictionary right now and flipped to the page under the word 'Wreck', Yoongi's picture would be right beside it, a whole printed page. He had stubborn knots in his hair, his half-lidded eyes a bloodshot red, and clothes disheveled. He wanted to cry more to wash away his pain and agony, but it seemed like he ran out of tears. He figured he had to obey his mother, because his mom wouldn't take no for an answer. "Yoongi!" She snapped. "Five minutes!" She yelled before retreating footsteps were heard.

Yoongi sighed and smoothed out his crinkled shirt, rubbed his eyes and tried best to comb out the knots in his hair. When he thought he was okay enough, he unlocked the door and went down the stairs to the lounge room. There were no laughter this time though, just a quiet atmosphere. He was met with Mrs. Jung's son leaning on the wall right next to the doorway of the lounge. He was like Yoongi, a neat wreck. Like a place after a tornado had hit it. He was strangely familiar though, this Hoseok guy.


"J-Hope?!?" Yoongi blurted out after seeing his oh-so-familiar boyfriend. The said guy slowly dragged his eyes from the floor and locked eyes with Yoongi before his mouth went slack and eyes as wide as saucers. "What are you doing here?!?" Yoongi took an awful minute to register the current situation. He recalled what Mrs. Jung had said, her son, who was a barista, then had to go back to his family company, J-Hope, barista at the cafe around the corner, Mrs. Jung's son, Jung Hoseok... It was just like what he predicted earlier. He put two and two together and felt like the world before him came crashing down in angry waves.

J-Hope was Jung Hoseok.

"Hoseok..." Yoongi tested a few times on his tongue, still in utter disbelief. "Yoongi. Suga, you were Yoongi. Wow." Hoseok let out a low whistle, then folded his arms across his broad chest. "This is all so unbelievable." Now he knew why Hoseok had to go by a nickname. He was one of the sons of Korea's richest family, same goes to Yoongi.

"You boys know each other?" Mrs. Jung asked with a flick of her finger. Hoseok gave a small nod at his mother, but his eyes never left Yoongi's. "Oh, I see. That's great!" Mrs. Jung smiled wearily, then turned back to Mrs. Min. "So I was just saying that my son is gonna take over my husband's company tomorrow, and will marry the girl who I chose. She is rich, beautiful, and most importantly, has almost every strong ties with other big companies. She is going to drive us to fame!" Mrs. Jung cackled. Hoseok flinched at his mother's tone and his shoulders drooped further. His eyes were trained on Yoongi's as if pleading for a silent help.

"What the hell?!? How dare she..." Yoongi hissed at Hoseok, once they were both behind the locked doors of his room. "She has no rights to choose the future for you. I mean, you obviously like working as a barista right? And the arranged marriage? Pity that poor girl!" Yoongi couldn't stop, his tone was laced thick with venom. He was like a train out of control, one wrong move and he could just... snap.

"Yeah... sorry I didn't tell you who I was earlier..." J-Hope murmured, sheepishly rubbing at the nape of his neck. Yoongi gave a small nod as to say he accepted his apology and took in the man he loved before him. "Pfft, you look fucked up." He smirked, noting at how he looked so like him. J-Hope let out a half smile while taking in his lover appearance too. "You too. You look funny." He chuckled. The lively atmosphere then took a turning point into eerie quietness on a straight second. The two looked at each other dead in the eye, none uttered a single word.

"Kiss me." Hoseok demanded softly, breaking the silence after a few minutes. Yoongi raised a brow and crossed his arms as to ask why. "I've got to head over to the company tomorrow, and my mom forbids me to meet anyone who's not into the finance world." He said. "It's my last day meeting you. I'm gonna miss you so much." He added in a softer tone. He looked down at the shaggy fur carpet, tears brimming his eyes. Yoongi got closer to him and wrapped his arms around the other, lips smashing on lips. Hoseok gasped a little, before fluttering his eyes shut and moving their lips together in a perfect sync. Both felt nothing like they had ever experienced before, their hearts taking a wild ride, a crescendo of such passion on their depleted lips they had no idea when was the time they had to stop, well, both didn't want to stop. They needed more, and more, and more. Their gentle kiss turned into a much rougher one, which earned Yoongi's tongue poking into Hoseok's hot cavern a few times, then tangling with his. They eventually broke apart to catch their breaths, a thin line of saliva connected both their lips that glimmered in the weak sun leaking through the windows.

"I'm too adorable for you stop." Hoseok joked. 'You mispronounced annoying." Yoongi smirked. The kiss was over, but their body wasn't. The passion once took residence in their lips fueled their bodies up, until it they were on the brink of desperate. At that time, none worried if Hoseok had to leave, or if they ever had a chance to meet each other again.

"I need you." Hoseok whispered in Yoongi's ear before he was thrown on bed and stripped bare naked.

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