♥: I

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Min Yoongi pushed the heavy glass doors open and entered the cafe, the mixture of strong coffee and sweet pastries filled his nostrils, accompanied by the loud and bustling noises people made. He scowled, he especially hated noisy places. He turned on his heels to leave, his long fingers grazing over the smooth cold metal of the door handle before a voice, sharp and chirpy, broke through the other already loud noises and called out to him.

"Hey sir! Where you goin'?!? You just came in!" The owner of the voice, was a grinning, lanky guy with a mass of messy chestnut brown hair behind the counter. He made a hand gesture as to beckon him to come to him, and Yoongi couldn't help but allow his scowl to arch downwards even more. He did what he was told to, and let his legs stride over before he could conprehend what he was doing besides walking out the cafe. The guy shot him another grin as Yoongi trudged closer, until he was leaning his arm against the quartz countertop.

"What do you want?" He scowled, fingers tapping against the smooth surface in a fast, angry pattern. The other taller guy shot him a look, before propping his crossed arms on the counter too. "You just got here, at least order a drink or something." His low yet melodic voice filled Yoongi's ears, and hypnotized him. He didn't know voices could take control of people, and he stood there blank until he regained his consciousness. Damn, the stranger had a nice voice, he had to admit. "It's fucking noisy here, I don't like noisy places." He replied. The 'stranger' chuckled. "You've got a trashy mouth, I see..." he hummed. "My name's J-Hope, and I'm your hope hyung!" Yoongi literally snorted at the cheesy line. Who was he to trick? Obviously that was a fake name, or a pseudonym, or just a nickname. But why would someone like him need to hide his real name unlike Yoongi? "I didn't ask for your damn name..." He hissed, earning an eye roll from the other guy. Yoongi sighed and gave in. "Suga." He merely stated. He couldn't let people know his real name, nor identity. Because if people did, he was in for a heap of trouble. Suga was the only name he had to go by in public.

"Suga..." 'J-Hope' tested it for a few times in his tongue. "But you don't sound sweet like sugar." He threw his head back and erupted in laughter at his little 'joke'. Yoongi was patently pissed, because he wanted to turn away and leave but somehow he couldn't. He didn't want to anymore. Fuck the noises, he didn't give a care anymore. Leaving that thought aside, did J-Hope really think his real name was Suga? Yoongi would never know.

After laughing his head off and wiping the little beads of tears that escaped from his eyes, J-Hope smiled and leaned closer, causing Yoongi to take a step backwards. "So, Suga..." he purred, eyes twinkling. "You are funny, you know that? Some people try hard to be funny, but you..." He let another soft chuckle escape. "You don't even try. You are funny. I like you." Yoongi could feel his heart going havoc in his ears, and a swarm of butterflies seemed to be taking permanent residence in his stomach.

"Yah! That wasn't meant to be funny! It is my name, idiot!" He complained. J-Hope eyed him and smirked. "Sure..."
Wanting to escape the horrible topic, Yoongi asked him why he wasn't working like the others. "Yah! You want me to go?" J-Hope pouted, and puffed out his light pink cheeks. Yoongi wanted to say no, he wanted J-Hope to accompany him for the time being. "No, it's just... you have to work!" He yelled out, frustrated.

J-Hope nodded; and told him he would be back in a minute; before turning away to work with the coffee machine. Yoongi studied him, but was met with only his broad back. He could tell J-Hope was into his job, and his workings with the machine was so professionally slicked. A minute later, he walked back to Yoongi with a beam etched at both corners of his lips and an iced mocha with an overflowing amount of white whipped cream in his hand. "For me?" He asked quizzically. J-Hope placed the drink carefully on the counter and pushed it towards Yoongi as to say yes. Yoongi fished out his wallet from his pocket, but was stopped by the other party. "Stop. It's on the house, Suga." He proclaimed, thumping his fist to his chest proudly. "Drink up or you'll leave me in regrets. I'm glad I've found a new friend today!" J-Hope grinned from ear to ear. Part of Yoongi wanted to shoot back, but... what J-Hope said was partly true. Friends. He liked the sound of that. Most people said he couldn't get along well with people because he wasn't 'friendly' enough, but he just wanted to be who he was, simple and cold. A small microscopic smile made its way into his lips, and for the first time in the last few shitty months, Yoongi felt content. He liked J-Hope, whoever he was.

A/N Complete YoonJin trash but YoonSeok works just fine. First time writing a BTS fanfic so vote and drop a comment, yea? :)

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