You and Jotaro walked back quietly, your eyes still puffy from crying. The weight of the recent events lingered in the air between you, but neither of you spoke. As you approached the entrance to the house, Holly Kujo stood there waiting, her warm smile offering a small sense of comfort.

"Welcome back! Give me your coat, dear," Holly said gently.

You nodded, handing her your coat without question. Her kindness was a stark contrast to the serious nature of her son. Holly then turned to Jotaro. "Jotaro, a call came in for you earlier."

You saw Jotaro's eyes widen, a rare moment of surprise crossing his otherwise stoic face. He glanced at you, then back at his mother, and said hurriedly, "Mom, take Y/n inside. I need to handle something." Without waiting for a response, Jotaro dashed into the house, leaving you and Holly at the entrance.

You wondered what had caused such urgency, but this was an opportunity—perhaps you could talk to Holly. Maybe she could help you figure out what to do next.

Holly led you into the living room. The room was simple, with a low Japanese table in the center, surrounded by a futon. You couldn't remember what the traditional setup was called, but it felt calming and familiar. Holly motioned for you to sit, and you followed her lead, easing yourself onto the floor by the table.

"It's so cold for summer! It's usually much warmer this time of year," Holly remarked, shaking her head as she sat down across from you. "I hope the weather clears up while you're here."

"Yes, I hope so too..." you replied softly, the conversation helping to distract you from the weight in your chest.

On the table, there was a water jug, and Holly poured you a glass with a graceful motion. You took a sip, the cool water soothing your throat as you glanced around the quiet, empty room. Despite the calm surroundings, the tension within you refused to subside.

Maybe now was the time to speak up...

You didn't know if you could trust Holly, but you had to at least try. If you didn't, you felt like you were going to die living this miserable life with Jotaro. Swallowing hard, you set your cup down, the cool surface of the table grounding you for what you were about to say.

"Seiko... Jotaro, your son, he's keeping me captive," you blurted out, the words spilling out before you could stop them.

 You recounted the horror of being kept in his house for a year, and how the pregnancy—something you hadn't even wanted—was a result of something far worse, an assault. Your voice shook as the details came tumbling out, the weight of your situation fully hitting you as you watched Holly's expression.

To your shock, she listened with an oddly calm face. Then, as though you had said something mundane, her expression returned to its usual cheerfulness. "Oh, that's just how new couples are!" she chirped, smiling. "I was like that with my husband too, but he straightened out eventually. You just have to give it time."

Her response made your blood run cold. God, this family is insane. You stared at her in disbelief, the realization settling in. No wonder Jotaro was like this—his own mother didn't even bat an eye at his behavior. You had thought maybe, just maybe, she would be different. But no. There was no saving grace here. No hope.

Without another word, you stood up, ignoring Holly's startled cries. She called your name, but you didn't care anymore. You were done. The last sliver of hope you had was crushed beneath her carefree words.

Tears stung your eyes as you ran towards the front entrance, your breath coming in sharp, shaky bursts. It felt like the world was caving in on you. You didn't even care that you didn't know the language. You didn't care about the consequences anymore.

𝘿𝙤𝙣'𝙩 - 𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙅𝙤𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙤Where stories live. Discover now