A Few Weeks Later

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((Before I start this I just want to say thank you for reading even when this hasnt updated in FOREVER! thank you for the 400 something views and all the votes and im just so happy you like my writing. I am seriously flattered you read these xD Okay, here we go~))


Alfred has already left a few weeks ago to go back to his job. I already miss him.

I walk into the living room and sit onto the couch. I turn on the tv and see what is on the news.

"--news on "Opium Power" We have been reported five people dead from the Opium Power's doing. Two young girls, Anna and Grace. A young boy, Andrew. The other two haven't gotten DNA tested, but we will keep you upda--"

I quickly turn off the tv. It's just a coincidence..nothing is going on..just.. I dont know. I have been more on edge with this stupid thing..sometimes I wonder if Alfred is lying that he is okay. I run my hand through my hair and I let my mind wander off..

*buzz buzz*

That kind of sounded like my phone buzzing. I look over at my phone and see I got a message. It's from Gilbert. I smile and open it.

"Hey, it's me, the awesome one, remember?? XD hey, so uh I am bored and I am wondering if you are free anytime..next week? I am planning ahead cause I am just awesome like that. Let me know once you get this!!"

I stare at the words and imagine he is talking to me. It's amazing and magical where your imagination can take you sometimes..or what it can do. I come back into reality and reply:

"Hey, I am mostly free, so far I have nothing planned. What did you have in mind that you wanted to do?" I put my phone down and put my shoes on. I just need some fresh air, maybe some time to think. Outdoors always helps.


I walk down the sidewalk and stare at the clouds once more.

Things have gotten more exciting around here, but I just thank myself the sky has never changed. I look around me then sit in the grass. I look back up at the sky again. The clouds slowly drift around and dance like nothing I have ever seen. It's beautiful. Nothing would make it better..

Maybe Alfred coming along.

Other than that, nothing can make it better. The birds chirp their tunes and glide along the sky like fish in water. I lie back and continue to watch the wonders up there, wondering if they have their own little world. Maybe there are bird families where the Mom and Dad have their own little lives as the babies would themselves. Maybe they aren't just dumb and stupid animals. I never thought they were anyways.

"Can I sit here?"

I look up and see it's Kat, what is she doing here? I smile at her, "Oh hey, Kat. I didn't know you lived nearby."

"Yeah," she sits next to me, "no one really focuses on that." I shrug and look back at the sky. "What are you looking at?" she asks me.

"Nothing, just the clouds."


"They're pretty.."

"Well..there are some things that are worth looking at, rather clouds."

I look at her confused, "What?"

"Well, there are lots of pretty girls out there, and lots of pretty models." I chuckle.

"Not the same type of pretty I am going for." She pauses and just stares at me. I look over, "What?"

"Are you gay?"

I feel my face burn, "Wait- what? What kind of a question is that??" What did she do, take crazy pills today??

"Well, for one you never said anything about the girls and models I said before," I sense her smirk.

"I-I said that it wasn't the same pretty, Kat," I hid her face from my vision.

"Others would have said something along the lines of what pretty they are. Maybe they are a hot kind of pretty, or like a cute kind of pretty. You just pushed the question aside," she says. I know she is smiling, I feel it.

"So? That prooves nothing!"

"Well, does you getting really defensive and not looking at me prove anything?"

I feel like my face is on fire! What is her goal?? "Say I was, then what?"

"Then okay."

"But I am not!"

"Can you proove it?"

I look at her, "how can someone proove that??"

She smiles, "You could just say that you noticed my shirt." She is wearing a skin tight shirt and some over-alls that probably don't fit.

I sigh and cover my face, "Look, I don't know, okay? No more pressing questions."

We are silent for a moment until she breaks the silence, "Want any help?"

"It depends on the definition of "help", because if there's anything that will do with me and you in a bedroom--"

She laughed, "You are being silly, just follow me." She stands up and holds out her hand to help me up. I grab her hand and all of a sudden I feel her slip. She falls over and lands RIGHT ONTO ME. I feel the both of us get startled and I try to help her right away.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask frantic, "oh my gosh, did you hit your head?"

She groans a little then sits up onto me, "I don't know..are you okay?"

"Yeah..I am okay. Was this any sort of test?"

She looks at me curiously and smiles, "It wasnt, but it is now~"

I feel myself heat up again, "h-hey no fair!"

Kat just laughs, "You can't help the grass being slippery!" She gets up and I get up on my own. I look at her and sigh a bit. "What? You didn't notice my boobs went straight onto you and I nearly suffocated you with them?"

"N-no! Nothing like that!" I say, "I noticed them, but they didn't really bother me." She starts smirking. "What?"

"It is a possibility."

"About what?"

"That you are gay."

"D-don't say that like its casual!"

She laughs and grabs my hand. We start running along the sidewalk like we have been best friends forever. We smile at eachother and continue our paths but never staying apart.

I guess I am not walking alone today.

((yaaaaay that's the new update! hahaha canada keeps questioning his sexuality just admit it and go out with gilbert for fucks sake XD anyways, that was kind of fun to write. It shows friend ship I guess. I dont see Canada and Ukraine as a ship, even when the ship inspired me to put her in here. I kinda see them as a brotp though..or maybe like a friendtp XD anyways I hope you liked that, I will try and try to update more))

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