Special Meeting

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H-how is this possible?? How did he end up finding me?? Oh I am in big trouble now..what does he want from me??

"H-hello?" What else do I say?

"Are you the guy that walked in the street from yesterday?" he asks.

I dont answer.

"Look, I just saw you come in and I recognized you..and I just want to say im sorry for not acknowledging you," he tells me, "I knew you were sorry, I heard you; it was the heat of the moment."

He knew?! Wait..why is he apologizing? "I appreciate your apology, but if anything, I am sorry for not paying attention while walking."

"Don't apologize-"

"No, you had every right to be angry, I'm sorry."

He stares at me for a second before his face softens, "okay, I'll accept your apology. Uhm..I came here by myself, so I was wondering if I can sit here with you for today because I have nothing else to do. Can I?" he asks as if I would say no.

"Sure, I'm fine with it," I reassure him. He sits in the seat across from me. Behind the scary looking eyes, he actually is very nice.

"I'm Gilbert, what's your name?"

We ended up talking for a good ten or fifteen minutes, until he points at my drink. "Hey, what is on your coffee cup?"

What is on my coffee cup? I look and my face instantly heats up. "Someone put there number in sharpie on here.." I manage to say. It's signed by someone named Samantha..wait a second.. "it's probably from the girl behind the counter. I'm not interested, but..." I'm honestly flattered. Gilbert looks at me and gives me a small smile.

"Tell you what, you're a great guy, let me put mine on your hand so we can contact eachother outside of here. I mean, when will be the next time we meet in person by coincidence?" he persuades me. I'll tell you one thing, it worked. I smile at him and nod.

"Sounds like a great idea," I tell him. He then stands up to go to the girl behind the counter to- wait the girl?? Oh shit, she can't see me! I pull up my hood as fast as possible and look out the window, hopefully she wont see me. It's starting to get dark?! I thought we were only talking for ten minutes!

He comes back with a sharpie, "Matt, can I see your hand?" he asks. I hand over my left hand and he starts writing on my palm. It kinda tickles. I look at my phone with my other hand to check the time.

Its only 5:00, it isnt as late as I thought.

He blows on my hand to dry the ink and lets go of my hand. He smirks, "good?" I look at it and nod. Clearly written.

I stand up, "well, Gilbert, it was nice to formally meet you, but I have to get going," I put down my hood and fix my hair, "I will try to contact you."

He smiles, "okay, bye!" He waves at me and I smile. I grab my coffee for home.

Shit its cold never mind.

On the way out, I throw it away. Im starving, I can't wait to get home. Is Alfred home yet?


I get home expecting him to be at the door with balloons.

He wasn't.

Me chest starts to hurt.

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