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Sarai Adebayo -

The half term is finished, and it's time to get back to school. My worst nightmare.

Don't get me wrong I'm great at school, I literally excel at it but I just really can't be bothered.

Waking up every morning at 6am and having to socialise with so many people at once and being stuck in that cramped school building.

Gosh, kill me now.

But on the upside, my hair is done, I mean I do my own hair but that's not the point.

I get to go back to school with fresh braids - which literally elevate my whole appearance.

I look up and realise I'm almost at my stop and press the stop button on the bus and walk downstairs.

I mumble a quick "thank you" to the driver and see a pair of shiny white teeth glaring at me.

My one and only best friend, Miriah.

She immediately rushes towards me and wraps me up in a bear hug.

I just laugh and embrace her back, clearly someone missed me.

She lets go after a few moments and presses kisses on the side of my head,

"I've missed you, pumpkin." She mumbles

I just roll my eyes at the stupid nickname and look at her,

"I missed you too Riah."

She just smiles and links her arm with mine as we begin walking towards school.

"So... how was the half term..?" She asks me

I just shrug, "you know.. it was okay, nothing too special."

She just rolls her eyes, "how interesting, mine was very much relaxing and... calming."

I just look at her and smile, "Such a neek man."

"so relaxing and calming." I mock her as I put on a stupid voice

She just slaps my arm and sticks her tongue out, "shush man.. it's way better than your dead answer"

I just snicker and roll my eyes and we just continue to walk towards school and talk about whatever.

We unfortunately arrive at the building 10 minutes later and I just sigh at the presence of it.

Miriah looks at me and just smiles gently, "it's gonna be okay pumpkin, just remember to take it easy okay."

I just look at her and smile as i take her hand in mine.

The both of us step into the building together, the quietness that surrounded us previously quickly dissipated as the chatter of the students around us filled the halls.

The two of us walk through the busy hallways and corridors and we make our way over to our friend group.

Well.. more specifically her friend group.

Miriah's always been more social than me, and they just kind of tolerate me because I'm her friend.

Of course Miriah always tries to make me feel included and talks to me but it's just.. kind of awkward when she's not here.

They all talk amongst themselves and Miriah occasionally drags me into the conversation so I don't feel left out.

It's sweet and of course I don't blame her.. I just wish I had more friends like her.

The school bell rings and one of the girls in the group rolls her eyes, "fucking hell man, they couldn't have made it any more louder."

The other girls agree and Miriah just looks at me, occasionally making a silly face.

"Well me and Sarai are going to form, so.. bye guys." Miriah tells them.

The two of us walk together to our class and get settled into our seats next to each other.

Our table has four seats and only the two of us sit here, and everyone else is spread out around the class.

I just sigh and lean my head onto her shoulder as the teacher begins to take the register.

"Here miss." I mumble when she calls my name

She moves onto the next person but is quickly interrupted when a teacher from the officer walks in with two boys behind her.

The teacher whispers something to my form teacher and then leaves.

"Alright everyone, we have two new students joining us in form." She begins

"This is Lucas." She points to the blonde haired boy, "And this is Aiden." She points to the brown haired boy.

I just look at the two of them and then at Miriah and snuggle in closer to her shoulder

"Go and sit over with those two." She tells the boys as she points over to me and Riah's table.

I just sit up straight and move my bag and watch them as they walk over.

The blonde boy sits in-front of me and the brown haired boy sits in front of Miriah.


End of Chapter.

Im so happy to be releasing the first chapter already today, i hope that you guys enjoyed it!

also just to make clear of the characters background / ethnicity

Sarai is Nigerian, Miriah is half Jamaican and half Haitian, Lucas is half english and half Spanish and then Aiden is half Indian and half Malaysian

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