Part 1: Analysis

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A clip of Ash and Frank clashing with their chainsaws can be seen. Ringmaster is then heard shouting, "Fight!"

Junko: Ashley J. Williams, The Chosen One with a Chainsaw Arm, champion against the Evil Dead.

Raymond: And Frank West, the backyard wrestling Macgyver  of Dead Rising. Surviving the undead apocalypse takes grit, perseverance, and an armies worth of firepower. With all that and some luck, these two became experts in zombie fighting.

Junko: He's Raymond and I'm Junko.

Raymond:  And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Ash Williams buckles up for a Death Battle!

 Raymond: Long ago, when the seas ran red with blood. It was prophesied that a hero would one day, fall from the sky and deliver humanity from the terrors of the deadites. The Chosen One known as The Jefe.

Junko: And that man is... Bruce Campbell, er, I mean Ash Williams.

Junko: (sees Ash acting cowardly) Uh-huh. Are you sure this the same guy, hedgehog?

Raymond: Don't let his... unorthodox behavior fool you, Junko. He's the only thing standing in-between humanity and it's end. Born on April 8th, 1957 and raised in Elk Grove, Michigan. Ashley James Williams (Yes, that's his full legal name) lived a normal life, but his ordinary life would take a complete nose dive when he and a few friends decided to stay in an abandoned cabin in the woods.

Junko: Oh Yeah, like nothing could possibly go wrong! Let's stay the night in this damn near falling apart cabin and play some freaking tapes of an old guy reciting demonic passages. It'll be a good time!

Raymond: The tapes had woken up a dark force in the woods, which proceeded to turn Ash's friends and his girlfriend all into undead monsters called Deadites. Ash fought for survival for two days straight loosing not only his sanity but also his hand.

Junko: Damn, that's rough, buddy. Such exquisite despair... But hey! He said screw that shit and replaced that bitch with a freaking Chainsaw!

Raymond: After this and being sucked through a vortex into the dark ages, Ash Williams learned of his destiny as the chosen savior of humanity and.... ran from it.

Junko: But as reluctant as he was, Ash always answered the call to duty when ever Deadites started showing their ugly faces. But he needed some tools if he was to face these threats head on. Ash carries a twelve gage double barrel Remington shotgun, awesomely named The Boomstick, a Homelite XL Chainsaw and an Iron Gauntlet capable of crushing metal without any issue. But if you think for one second that that's all the heat Ash is packin, Woah boy you're in for a ride!

Raymond: This is true, while Ash is normally associated with The Homelite XL, this is far from the only chainsaw Ash has put on his stump. There's Chain-lightning a chainsaw that can cut through steel, The Sap Master 3000 which has a chain tipped with actual diamonds with a titanium chasing and then there's a Chainsaw that is actually made out of diamond. He really loves his chainsaws...

Junko: Damn straight! But when chopping doesn't work, Ash has a pretty ridiculous amount of other weapons to put where his hand once was. On top of all those chainsaws, he has a Gatling Gun, a Flamethrower and even a harpoon gun, which he uses like a grappling hook! There's also the Cyborg Hand which has a special function for each finger. His pointer finger can shoot fire, his middle finger can launch explosives, there's a force projector in his pinky finger and all five can shoot fucking lasers! Ash also wears a steel chestplate and chainmail armor, while it only covers his torso it protects from stabbing and piercing weaponry.

Death Battle! Ash Williams vs. Frank West (Evil Dead vs. Dead Rising)Where stories live. Discover now