Part 2: Fight!

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Raymond: All right, the combatants are set, and we've run the data through all possibilities.

Junko: It's time for a Death Battle!


Time - 4:47 PM, Afternoon.

A damaged television flickers on and off in a store window. It suddenly stops on a news channel.

Female News Reporter: Raccoon City has been completely overrun once again by a mysterious plague, rumor has it that The Necronomicon Ex-Mortis also known as the book of the dead is to blame. It was last seen being taken from a museum display by this Man...

The News Channel flashes a picture of Ash Williams on the screen.

Female News Reporter: If you have have any information of this man's whereabouts, please contact local authorities as soon as possi--.

The television shuts off.

???: Hm.. Well... Who ever this clown is, He won't be getting away with this for much longer.

Frank West smashes the window and grabs the television, throwing it in his shopping cart full of items. He hurries off, pushing his cart in front of him.

Frank: Alright then, let's get this scoop and bust this case wide open.

Meanwhile Ash is seen sneaking around a neighborhood holding the Necronomicon.

Ash: Damn, Book. You tricked me!

Necronomicon: You were the one foolish enough to believe my words.

Ash: Oh, Yeah? Well, when I'm done fixing this mess I'm gon-- OOF!

Ash is sent flying back by an unknown force.

Ash: What the--?!

Ash looks up and sees Frank West holding his baseball bat in hand.

Frank: Alright, Pal. You're coming with me, you're gonna answer for what you've done to this city!

Ash gets back up and puts away the book.

Ash: Mind yer own business, Dan Aykroyd. I didn't do any of this!.... Not on purpose anyway...

Frank: You can't talk your way out of this one, Psychopath! I'm taking you down!

Frank grabs his camera as Ash revs up his chainsaw and both get ready to fight.

Ash rushes forward and swings his chainsaw ferociously, Frank evades the attacks and somersault kicks Ash in the face. Ash stumbles back and pulls out his boomstick.

Ash: Let's go!

Ash fires two shots at Frank, the first shot misses but the second hits Frank directly in the chest. Frank shrugs it off and picks up a near by bench and throws it straight at Ash, he lunges forward and cuts it in half. As Ash lands on the ground, Frank runs forward and hits him repeatedly with a double lariat.

Frank: Dead meat!

Frank turns around and begins to beats Ash over the head with his fists. Ash retaliates with a sweep kick, knocking Frank to the ground. He rolls out of the way as Ash stabs his chainsaw into the ground, Frank grabs his baseball bat and whacks Ash across the face. Frank artlessly swings his bat at Ash, hitting him multiple times. Ash gets knocked dizzy and Frank charges up a powerful swing.

Death Battle! Ash Williams vs. Frank West (Evil Dead vs. Dead Rising)Where stories live. Discover now