Part 3: Conclusion

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Junko: Huh, Didn't know he still had brains after Dead Rising 4.

Raymond: While these two are in the top tier of Zombies Hunters, The further we delved into this match-up the more obvious the differences became.

Junko: For starters, Ash has far more combat experience and has a wider resume of enemies he's faced. To where Frank normally deals with zombies, Ash normally deals with demons. Outside of zombies and psychos, Frank has very rarely taken on anything beyond that. Like yeah sure there are some exceptions but those are no where near as abundant compared to Ash's record and what Frank has taken on absolutely pales in comparison to the actual God-like entities that Ash has taken out, like Kandar the Destroyer and the Dark Ones.

Raymond: While Frank did fight Thanos, he only did so with the aid of an Infinity Stone and Iron Man, even when he fought Spider-Man he still had help from Chris Redfield and Mike Haggar.

Junko: When Ash was transported to an alternate Marvel Universe, He fought undead counterparts of Mulitple-Man, Hulkling and Sentry by himself! Well, granted when he fought Sentry he got his ass kicked but just taking one fucking hit from this dude meant Ash was way tougher than Frank. Sentry is considered one of the physically strongest Marvel Superheroes and has been quoted as being able to sink islands and Ash just straight up ate a bitchslap from this dude! At best Frank tanked hits from a giant robot which at most was hitting with 100 tons of force and we're really highballing that.

Raymond: Ash's most obvious edge was his speed, even if Frank used quicksteps he'd only clock in at 48mph at most and Ash, ironically can go nearly three times that at 120mph without any such enhancements and is likely much faster.

Junko: As for combat speed Frank might be a bit faster but not enough to were it'd make a noticeable difference. Even if he was faster at hand to hand, Ash's reaction time just knocked Frank's right out of the park! Frank may have evaded automatic gunfire but Ash has dodged lightning and even lasers, Frank can barely compare.

Raymond: Frank's biggest edges in this fight were strength, stamina and ingenuity. The latter of which, Ash is still fairly comparable.

Junko: Yeah, Ash was making his own Combo-Weapons before Frank West was even concept art. Frank did have better stamina but it's extremely unlikely it'd play much of a roll in this fight as it would take at least 24 hours for either of them to get even close to being winded and this fight definitely isn't going to get dragged out for more than a hour. Frank did have a clear edge in physical strength, but dealing with dudes with greater strength isn't anything new to Ash but he wasn't a whimp in the whole brute strength department either. Especially with the help of those handy dandy magic spells.

Raymond: Ash, having fought Deadites for 30 years, would easily make him scale to their physical abilities. In Evil Dead: Fist full of Boomstick, Deadites are shown bursting through building walls to attack Ash, assuming a concrete composition this would require 5 Tons of force at the minimum. Ash's strength spell specifically says it grants Ash the strength of 10 men, assuming this multiplies Ash's own strength by that, would put Ash at 50 Tons.

Junko: Damn, making him quite a bit stronger than Frank's Exo-Suits!

Raymond: Speaking of which, Frank's special weaponry and absurd creativity would definitely keep Ash on his toes and could potentially counter some of Ash's magic.

Junko: The key word being some.

Raymond: Things like Frank's Exo-Suits and Energizers could buy him some time but there was honestly nothing stopping Ash from just say, stunning Frank in place giving him more than enough time to kill him ten times over or just making the sky rain lava. Ash may have to say all of his spells verbally but that's still better than having to go out and find specific ingredients mid fight. Frank can carry more weapons at once than Ash, but Ash's magic would last just as long if not longer than Frank's Combo-Weapons. As the Necronomicon is literally the gateway to all that is evil, Ash's magic would have plenty of demonic energy to feed off of during the fight.

Junko: Even if Ash did forget how to recite a spell correctly he has every single one of them written down on a piece of paper he keeps in the Necronomicon. Both Ash and Frank have shown they're susceptible to regular weaponry but at their peak Ash's durability is potentially freaking island level thanks to that Sentry pimpslap, there was no way Frank was gonna be able to keep Ash down for long, on the other hand Frank may have potentially shook off 100 tons of force but lava and lightning don't give a crap about how much force you can withstand.

Raymond: And when it came down the their arsenals while both were incredibly destructive and powerful, Ash's was clearly more suited for this bout.

Junko: On average Ash is just plain and simple carrying deadlier weapons than Frank, a double barrel and a chainsaw beat a wooden baseball bat and a camera any day of the week. Even when it came to their more unique weapons, Chain-Lightning alone put all of Frank's melee based Combo-Weapons to shame. They're great for mowing down hordes of zombies like a week old lawn but Chain-lightning can cut through steel like butter. Nothing besides maybe the Exo-Suits would've put up much of a fight against it.

Raymond: Frank's only real chances would be to either outsmart Ash or to somehow get the Necronomicon away from him. Outsmarting Ash was possible as Frank was smarter but Ash, while not very smart academically was just as smart of a fighter as Frank West was if not more. Bruce Campbell's words hold true as Ash has shown plenty of instances of fast thinking and adapting to just about any situation thrown at him, like when Ash had to fight Eligos, who is literally called The Demon of the Mind.

Junko: Frank getting the Necronomicon away from Ash wasn't illogical either as He was stronger, but if he did... What would he even do? Frank doesn't have any experience with anything close to the Necronomicon, let alone trying to translate the thing and Ash also having the reaction time advantage would mean Ash could just as easily keep Frank's hands off the book and it's not like Frank would have much luck trying to destroy it either.

Raymond: Ash himself has tried hundreds upon hundreds of times, burning it, electrocuting it, freezing it. Only Holy or other demonic Weapons like the Kandarian Dagger or at least something similar has been shown to be able to put the book down. Unfortunately for Frank, he just didn't have any options what so ever to destroy the book.

Junko: Hey wait a second, what about the Capcom Heroes Dante costume? Doesn't it give Frank Rebellion?

Raymond: Well, even assuming Frank would choose that particular costume and somehow indicate that the book has a weakness to demonic weaponry, Capcom Heroes Arcade Cabinets most likely are just replicating the abilities through technology and gives us no reason to believe otherwise. Even if we did assume that it does give Frank Dante's abilities, Ash could counter it with the Kandarian Dagger due to Dante's demonic heritage. In the end Frank's superior muscle and incredibly creative mind would give Ash a run for his money but Ash was more experienced, far faster, far more durable and possessed the better arsenal.

Junko: Looks like Frank just paled to the King.

Raymond: The Winner is Ash Williams.

Release date: Halloween

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