preface The Hunt

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Edward's POV

I'm hand and hand with Bella, as we run across the ridge, to go deeper into the woods, my body freezes for a fraction of a second, as my mind quiets for the first since I open my eyes to this new life, I'm not going to lie I have a moment of pure bliss before the panic said then sets in, I put my lips to my Bella's ear. "Love can you still feel your shield?!"  she pulls back slightly and frowns at me. "No Edward, I can't!" she murmurs low enough just for me. It's not long maybe a few seconds before the rest of our family is around us Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, and we were all surrounded by Alec's black mist.. everything goes completely dark, but oddly enough I can still feel my Bella's hand in mine.

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