Chapter 1

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Ugh, I hate my Dad. I wish they'd given my mum custody. Look at him, 44 years old, making out with some 20 something year old slut in the same flat as me- HIS DAUGHTER! Or has he forgotten that. He never gave two shits about me anyways, if my mum wasn't a crack head she would've and should've had full custody instead of this moron.
'Dad I'm gonna go out,' I called as I grabbed my reeboks. No response. 'Dad?' 'Erm, yup, cool, bye' he stammered through giggles and kisses. I couldn't figure out whether it would be safe or not to bring a purse. If I carry my stuff it'll make it easy to steal but if I have a purse I'll look like an expensive target. In my last town taking a purse was always risky, but the more
stuff I can carry the longer I can stay out and away from this mess. I chucked a tenner, my keys, my card and my crappy flip phone into the bag and slipped it over my neck before storming out the door.
I felt better the moment I walked out of the door. With a sigh of relief I strolled down the 8 flights of stairs that lead up to my apartment. I hate being the girl with attitude, I'm not like that usually, but when I'm with my dad I just can't help it it's like my dark side takes over, I guess to fight his only side- douchebag. I took a big breathe of fresh air as I walked outside. I felt kinda lonely but maybe I'd meet some new people tonight, I mean it is fireworks night. Suddenly a bunch of boys shot past me on bmx bikes- it looked like they were heading into town. I locked eyes with one of them- he was wearing a grey jacket and a bobble hat and he winked as they raced away and my heart did a little flutter. Oh my god I'm pathetic! I'm probably just horny from being alone for a week.
'Oh shit' I thought as I realised it was dark. I mean I knew it wasn't light but walking home in the dark hadn't occurred to me until just now. 'It's okay, there's still loads of people, you'll be fine, hide your bag' I muttered as I slipped my purse beneath my jacket and hurriedly head home.
My paranoia got the best of me as I reached a couple of dark alleyways so I decide to call my friend Tracy to make me look like less of a target if I did stumble into anything dodgy. My fingers were sweating as I dialled, so I waited on the street corner until she picked up.

"ELLAAA! How's it going babe? Haven't spoken in ages! What you up to?"

"Yeh I'm alright thanks, just walking home-"

" lol alone I'm guessing,"

" Yes ok shut up it's not my fault I moved, my parents were being assholes and there's no kids around he that don't give me the shakes when I walk past them."

" You just gotta get yourself out there girl, you know what I'm saying, like just introduce yourself as new, they're probably fine, especially if they live in your block. The fam is missing you like crazy babe- when are you coming back to the block?"

Thinking about my old block made me nostalgic and kinda upset coz I knew I'd never go back there, it's 5 hours away with little traffic.

" I dunno Trace, they don't seem all that close up here."

" K babe I'm sorry I gotta go but call me soon yeh?"

" Oh ok I'll see ya soon, bye"

I swallowed hard as I walked around another corner, I contemplated pretending to still be on the phone, but then I thought nah and quickly slid it into my inside pocket.

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