Chapter 4

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"Sorry I ruined your couch," he said, 'that's kinda cute' I thought. No, no I didn't think that shut up Ella they mugged you remember!

"Don't worry about it, my dads the only one who uses it anyways."

"Where is he?" Pest asked

"I, I dunno..." I realised I literally had no clue where he was, and I also realised that he didn't give a monkeys about what I was up to either.

"Are you sure about home? Coz he ain't exactly looking out for you tonight." After Pest said this I felt my heart do I kind of grateful sigh, I wasn't used to people caring about me like this, especially not questioning why my parents weren't doing what parents should do. It was nice, it makes a change. However my thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang on the door.

"What was that?!" Jerome jumped.

"Aw shit man" moaned Pest, "I am not up for dealing with another one of these aliens, I wanna keep my leg for Christ sakes."

"Shall I call the feds?" I suggested, "We can leg it before they get here so none of us get nicked or anything."

"You'd be better off calling the ghost busters love," Pest joked as I finished bandaging his leg with some cloth from the kitchen. "Thanks by the way," he said smiling at me.

"Ahh!" Moses yelled as the three came crashing back into the coffee table. Then I saw it. It was black, but not like a colour, like a big patch of dark that you couldn't see properly, and its teeth were some weird fluorescent blue with its saliva dripping out the same colour.

"HOLY SHIT WHAT IS THAT?!" I screamed.

"It's an alien bruv, believe it."

Suddenly it leaped at Moses who shoved it of with an almighty force as it crashed into the wall. It looked unconscious.

"Is it dead?" I asked as I took a step closer to see it better.

"I don't think so," said Jerome.

Then in a split second I saw a huge foot long jaw of fluorescent blue teeth come flying towards me. I grabbed my dads cricket bat off the table to try and hit it away but it was too late it was already on me, and the bat was the only thing between my head and its huge set of jaws. I screamed as I pushed as hard as I can to keep it away, its teeth only inches away.

Then it just stopped.

I pushed it to the side to see pest standing there with a kitchen knife stuck into the side of the alien, trying to tug it out.

   "Ugh!" As he eventually heaved it out, "are you alright?" He held his hand out to help me up. I my head was spinning like crazy and my heart was racing, and before I had a chance to say thank you I found myself tucked against his chest with tears soaking into his hoody.

   "It's alright yeh? It's dead, you're alright aren't you? Moses man we need to get outta here, they found us and more will follow, I ain't sticking my hand into any more alien guy you get me, that stuff is nasty," Pest said as he rubbed my arm.

   "Alright guys," replied Moses, "lets get out of here."

   They all filed out of the room, and I knew I wasn't safe here so I followed.

    I shut the door behind me and I realised they'd stopped and we're all staring at me.

   "Where d'you think you're going?" Snapped Dennis

   "Yeh you ain't safe wiv us, you'll get bitten to shreds girl," added Moses.

   "Nah c'mon guys please let me come with you, I ain't safe where I am now either, more are gonna come and I ain't gonna be able to defend myself solo."

    "Why?" Dennis snapped again, "c'mon Moses man it's just another dumb on the trail ain't it, having so many makes it bare easy for them tings to find us you get me?"

   Pest decided to pipe in, thankfully for my side, "Dennis man, why are you being such a prick about it, we mugged her, she let us in her flat and she fixed up my leg, it's the least we can do bruv."

Moses gave me a careful look up and down. "You ain't gonna hold us back no?" I shook my head. "You're part of the fam now yeh?" He said, though he looked dead serious and his eyes shot daggers into mine, I felt comfort at my new found block fam. "We look after you, you do the same for us now, you understand, this ain't no one way street, is it"

    The sincere look in my eyes seemed to give Moses enough to go on as he beckoned is all to follow him down the hall. I gave Pest a quick thanks which he replied to with a cute wink, making butterflies form once more. He put his arm round me as I helped him walk down the hall. I knew he could walk on his own, but I liked it, I know we'd only just met that night, but I saw something special in Pest. Maybe it's his cheeky character, or his hidden caring heart, but all I knew was that my feelings for him were developing further than just part of the fam, and I didn't know what to do with them, I just knew they were real.

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