Chapter 2

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Chapter 2           Maisie’s POV

“Thanks” he smirked “but I was going to say that about you beautiful” he added, winking at me.

I ignored his comment as I made my way to my car and opened the door slightly. I could feel him watching me. I closed the door and turned around.

“What do you want” I asked stepping away from the car.

“I just want to make sure you won’t tell anyone what happened last night”

“Why would I tell anyone?” I questioned

“I don’t know! I just wanted to make sure you weren’t going to tell the police on me” he said stepping closer to me with each word “My career would be over”

“Well I wasn’t going to tell anyone anything so you’ve wasted you time coming here”

“How do I know you won’t tell anyone?”

“You can trust me” I pretty much whispered.

“Let me drive you to Uni”

“No, I’m alright thanks” I turned around and walked to the car but just as I opened it, he closed it again.

“It’s the least I can do”

“I’m not supposed to get into cars with strangers”

“Are you five or something? If I can trust you, why can’t you trust me?”

“Look, I can drive myself but thanks for the offer.”

“Look” he said imitating me “think of it as me saying thank you” he said unlocking his car and pushing me towards it. He went ahead of me and opened the door for me, like a gentleman. It shocked me actually; he doesn’t seem like the type to do that.

I got into the car and sat down. The seats were leather and had a really nice smell. He got into the car and turned the engine on. We drove two miles to my university. When I got out, people started staring at us. I stood on the curb and said “You didn’t have to drive you, you just could have said thanks”

“I know but it wouldn’t have been enough”

The conversation turned awkward so I decided it would be best to leave.

“Thanks for the lift anyway”

“It’s the least I could do, see you later” he said before I closed the door and he drove off.

I sort of missed him but in a weird way. He scared me but made me feel comfortable at the same time. The bell went signalling it was nearly time for my first lesson.

As I made my way up the stairs, into the building, Erin and her group walked up to me.

“Maisie, I didn’t know you knew Harry Styles” Erin shrieked and everyone heard and was now staring at us. Some people began whispering and that’s when it clicked. It all made sense now ‘My career would be over’, he’s famous. How could I not know this? I know who he is. I listen to his music, rarely but I think some of it’s good. What was his band called again? One Direction, that’s it. They were on The X Factor. I was gutted they didn’t win. Wow, I’m so stupid.

“I don’t know him”

“Yeah you do, we just saw you getting out of his car”.

“You must be mistaken. I don’t know him and I don’t have anything to do with him” 

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