Chapter 13 Alex's POV

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I sit there, waiting for one of them to speak up. Judging by the wide-eyed, terrified look on Jamie's face and the guilty blush creeping up Lily's cheeks, I can already guess who came up with this genius plan. Though, if Lily had truly thought this through and if Jamie were actually into me, it might've been a genius move after all. But as long as we've been friends, and with her never mentioning being into guys, it's clear she's not into me.

"Someone needs to start talking," I say, letting a bit more dominance slip into my voice. I don't always show this side of myself, but with these two—especially Lily—I'm going to have to take control. She's got brat written all over her, and the thought of bending her over my knee and turning that pretty little bottom of hers red crosses my mind before I can stop it.

My thoughts are interrupted when Lily finally speaks, her voice small but deliberate. "Well, I... I just thought... maybe it would be fun. All of us... together." She looks up at me through her lashes with those big puppy eyes, but there's a glint in them that tells me she knows *exactly* what she's doing.

I lean back in my chair, arms crossed. "I can understand that, pixie, but you can hang out with us anytime. We enjoy your company. What I want to know is why you felt the need to invite me to cook and be part of a date that Jamie clearly asked you on."

I glance between the two of them. Jamie's eyes widen slightly, as if she hadn't expected me to say it out loud. Lily shifts uncomfortably in her seat, looking everywhere but at me.

"Look at me, please, Lily." My voice is firm but not unkind. She hesitates, then her eyes slowly lift to meet mine, wide with uncertainty.

"Good girl," I say, watching her melt at the words, her body relaxing as if she's been waiting for this. Oh, she definitely has a praise kink. Mental note for later. "Now tell me what you thought was going to happen. What was your plan, little pixie?"

She lets out a deep sigh, her shoulders slumping in defeat as she fiddles with the edge of the table. "I just wanted to have dinner with both of you." Her voice is small now, vulnerable. She bites her lip and glances down. "I like both of you, and I didn't want either of you to feel slighted because the other asked me out."

Her eyes are wet, and for a moment, I feel a pang of guilt for pushing her. I reach across the table and take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "That's not a bad idea, pixie," I say, my tone softening. "But maybe next time, let someone know what your plan is and how you're feeling, so Jamie and I aren't blindsided."

She looks up, her eyes wide again but softer this time, grateful. I glance over at Jamie, who's been quiet this whole time, and it feels like the tension has finally cracked.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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