Chapter 16: First Dates

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Surprise! I know the last chapter was a short one, so I thought I'd treat you all with a double update this week. It seemed too mean to make you all wait an entire week for Max and Rose's first date. Enjoy!!


Present Day - Chinese Grand Prix – Race Day


I was sure I was having a panic attack. My stomach felt like it was in my throat, I couldn't stop sweating and my heart was racing.

Max would be here in ten minutes, and I wasn't even close to ready, just trying to calm myself down enough to finish my makeup.

When I'd returned to my room, I'd immediately showered and done my hair, knowing that would take the longest. Max had given me just two hours to get ready and, even though it had been so long since I'd even bothered to get dressed up, I knew it would be tight. I'd then taken a few minutes to answer emails and clear out a few things I needed to do before I could officially be done with work.

Choosing my outfit had been a nightmare. Comfortable could mean anything, and although I didn't have anything fancy or truly date appropriate, I did want to look nice. Hell, forget nice, I wanted to impress him. If this was going to be the only real date Max Verstappen and I would ever go on, I was going to make the most of it.

I'd finally settled on a pair of wide leg jeans with a black, sleeveless body suit and low heels. I felt really good in my outfit, but as the clock ticked closer to 8 o'clock, my anxiety started to spark, and I'd had to redo my eye make-up twice because my hand was shaking so bad.

And now, I was sitting on the edge of my bed, waiting for Max and trying to ignore all the worst case scenarios that were forming in my head. I was figuring out an exit plan in the event we ran into my dad, when a loud knock echoed through the room.

He was here.

I froze. Knowing that I needed to get up and answer the door, but it wasn't until he knocked a second time that I sprang into action.

I took one final deep breath and as I opened the door, the smile on Max's face made all my worries fade away.

"Rose," he breathed out as he took me head to toe. "You look amazing."

I felt myself blush and returned the compliment. "Not so bad yourself, champ."

He groaned a bit at my words, and I took another minute to take him in. He looked so perfectly casual, out of the team gear I'd seen him in almost every day since we'd reunited. In a white t-shirt and dark jeans, a backwards hat adorning his head. He was so handsome.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes! All set," I replied, and he offered me his hand after I closed the door. I hesitated a moment, worrying about someone seeing us, but after a quick glance down the hallway, grabbed it tightly.

His smile seemed to get even wider, and we made our way to the elevator, before going to the ground floor and through a back door to the hotel. There a car was waiting to take us to our destination.

We made small talk along the way, talking about the race and the season. Well, Max talked, and I listened, only offering comments here and there. Max often came off as brooding and stand-offish, but when he considered you a friend, it was hard to get him to shut up. I could remember lying in bed with him, listening to him explain everything from new video games to the nuances of sim racing to his favorite tracks.

His voice was always soothing and comforting to me, and I was so content to just let him talk.

After a few minutes, the car slowed, and Max got out, helping me out.

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