Chapter 11

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Last Time In The Creepypasta Story~
"Oh, hey! Fog is outside! That mean, Lulu is back!" Ben said as all of us look outside of the window of the kitchen.

"It's seems so... Charlotte & Jeff. I want you two to go get Lulu. Do you understand?" Slender asked as Jeff nodded at him, while I was horrified of this.

Well, shit! I'm stuck with the crazy psychopath, Who killed his own parents! I'm going to die after this!
Onto The Story!

Charlotte's POV:
We were waiting at the big tree for Lulu to show up here. It's really creepy when fog is surrounding you in the middle of the forest.

"Umm... Jeff? How long are we waiting for Lulu? It's been an hour ago.." I said as I was sitting on a tree stump. Jeff was remaining quiet until he had a serious face too. "Something is wrong here... I can feel it" Jeff said as he pulled out his knife.

"What's the matter, Jeff??" I asked as I was about to follow him but, Jeff stopped me. "You. Stay here. I don't want you to get in my way, Charlotte" Jeff said as He had an angry and serious face. "So, stay here. And, don't fuck this up too" Jeff said as he went to look for Lulu.

When he was gone. I remain quiet as I stayed, where I am. I waited for Jeff to get back here with this person named, Lulu. He was taking so long as I started to get worried for him & Lulu.

"What am I doing?! Jeff must be in trouble by now! But... he told me to stay, where I am" I said as I looked where Jeff went. I then feel really annoyed now. "You know what! Screw it! I'm going to help him! If he likes it or not!" I said as I went after him.

While I was looking for Jeff. I was feeling really scared as I was feeling like, I was being watched by someone in the forest. I should be more worried for Jeff, then my own safety.

"Where the is he? Why did slender choose me to be with Jeff??" I asked myself as I was looking around until...

I hear a deep voice near by me...

"So Lucille. How does it feel to see you again?? Have you any chance told the slenderman about us? I wonder. Would you like your eyes returned?"

I quickly hide behind a tree nearby me as I was feeling scared as I was wondering. who was that voice belong too. I know, it was not Jeff's voice. It was deep, like I said. When I peek behind the tree, where I was hiding. My eyes widen in horror to see a monster.

 My eyes widen in horror to see a monster

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He was terrifying... I never encountered someone who is like this before. He was definitely not normal because he has horns on his head and he has razor sharp teeth even, he has mouths on his body.

What the hell is he?! He must be bad news. Not only that, he had a girl pinned against the tree. I was still hiding behind the tree as I hear him talking to her. I don't know what to do, Jeff is not here with me.

I quickly pulled out my mask as I was about to wear it until I stopped myself. I realise, I keep on using this mask, Damien gave me. It felt so wrong to use this... I already killed an innocent girl & two boys too... But, that monster is hurting that girl so I cannot let this happen. I have to do it by myself without Jeff.

"Come on, Charlotte... Don't be a pussy. I have to save her before that monster hurts her or end her life" I said to myself as I put away my mask, while I pulled out two golden stiletto-type. "Please... give me the strength to face that monster..." I said as I took a deep breath in until came out from my hiding spot as I throw my golden stiletto-type at him, I was hoping to hit his arm.

For my luck. I actually managed to hit him in the arm as he lets go of the girl, he quickly backed away from her as he was shocked, while he was staring at his stab arm. I quickly went in front of her so I can protect her from the monster. I took a look of her as I saw, what she looks like. She had black hair covering her eyes and she is wearing a blue dress, I think.

 She had black hair covering her eyes and she is wearing a blue dress, I think

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"Thank you... W-Who are you??" She asked as I turned to her. "It's not the time now. We have bigger problem here" I said as I turned back and I pointed my golden stiletto-type weapon at the man. He stared at me in surprised until he smiled evilly as he removed my other golden stiletto-type from his arm.

"Slenderman has a new proxy? This is new. I didn't expect him to get a new minion" he said as I shivered at his deep voice. "S-Stay back! I'm not afraid to use my golden stiletto-type!" I said as he chuckles evilly at me. I was on my guard as I was hoping Jeff can get here in time.

"I know you're scared, I can smell it. Even I know, who you are... Charlotte" he said as my widen in shocked. Before I could say something, he grabbed me by my neck as he lift me off the ground. I was struggling to break free from his grip but he was too strong.

"NO! Leave her alone! She has nothing to do with this!!" She said as he started to strangling me. "Oh..? She has the symbol on her chest, it's obviously she works for him but..." he said as he stared at me.

"I want to know, why does he have a human? I have a feeling you were forced to become his proxy. Am I right?" he asked until out of nowhere, a knife stabbed his arm as he lets go of me. "ZALGO!" "Jeff!?" I said as I was shocked to hear Jeff's voice and he was really pissed off by him, while he was glaring at him.


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