After College

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When you went to California, you didn't go to nursing school for a year just so you could find a nice place to live and get a descent job to get money.

You eventually find a good apartment to stay in and get a job as a cashier at Walmart, which didn't really pay well but you saved up and got promoted once in a while.

You finally started school in September when You met a new friend, Katey. You two had a lot in common and you instantly became best friends. You told her about Mark and how you always loved him and she thought it was sweet and constantly fangirled over it.

You eventually finish collage and wanted to go back to Ohio with Katey. You go back to Ohio and get an apartment which you shared with Katey and you both got a job. You got a job in a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation center, and Katey gets a job for home care.

You finally are able to see Mark again, you missed him too much to form into words. When you went back to Ohio for holidays, he wouldn't show up. He wasn't living with his mom either, she said that she kicked him out. She never told you why though, but you never pushed at the subject.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy I'm finally gonna meet 'The Mark' that you've always talked about!" Katey said as you pulled up to Mark's new apartment.

"Yeah I'm excited to see him again. I just really miss him a lot and I don't want to loose him." You say as you smile at the thought of seeing him again.

You see two other cars there as you pull up, one is grey and the other is red, who's car is that?

Probably his neighbor You thought as you get out of the car and close the door behind you. You go up the few flights of stairs to his apartment room; B267.

You hear his voice on the other side on the door, his deep, sexy voice. "Who is he talking to?" You question Katey as you look at her. She just shrugs and puts her hear to the door.

"Who wants some?"

"Oh screw those things, oh they're just mannequins but Man..."

"AH NO! NO! NO! EFF- AAAGH! IIIIIIIII- am all alone..."

We heard all these things being screamed, we didn't know what was happening but we waited until it all stopped when he said,

"As always, ugh make fun of me in the comments but this game is terrifying! Ugh, thank you guys so much for watching, and I will see you in part 8 of Nightmare House 2! Buh bye!"

We waited a few seconds until you knocked on the door. You heard shuffling and footsteps  until they stopped in front of the door. Your heart was beating out of your chest and you couldn't wait until you got to see him again.

He opened the door and you couldn't believe how different he looked. He has his hair longer and he has gotten very skinny. He had a surprised look on his face as you said,

"I'm back!"

He smiled as he leaped into you and gave you a big hug, he twirled you and gave you kisses on the lips and both cheeks.You were so happy to finally see him again after all of those years in college.

"Alright, alright I get it, I'm lonely. Now I wanna meet this Mark." Katey said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

You both smiled as he let you down and introduced himself to Katey. "Ha ha, sorry, well I'm Mark, and you are?" He said nervously while extending his arm out for her to shake.

"Katey, nice to meet you." She said gripping his hand forcefully and retreated backward after a few seconds.

"Nice to meet you too. So umm... I'm guessing you guys heard all of my screaming." He said rubbing the back of his neck and chuckling nervously.

"Um, yeah what was that all about?" You asked him.

"Well," he said with a sigh, "I started a YouTube channel just a few months ago. That's what all the screaming about those damn things were about."

"Oh that's so cool! Are you gonna be famous?" Katey asked.

He laughed as he said, "Probably not, I'm just doing it to have fun."

"Well, I really missed you, Mark you have no id-" You started to say but got interrupted by someone in Mark's apartment? A woman?

"Hey honey, who's at the door?" You then saw Mark close his eyes really tight and put his hands over his eyes.


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