Soooooooo, Story time!!!!!
This one day, a couple years ago, I think it was sixth grade, there was this dead bird outside. So this one dude named Jensen stepped up on a bench, named it Carlos, then we had this huge funeral for it. And I mean huge. Half the grad was gathered around this bird and I gave a talk, and the Jensen dumped a carton of chocolate milk on it, then everyone threw different types of food on to it! It was pretty great. Then some snitch told the assistant principal, so the janitor picked up the bird in his scoopy thing. We followed the janitor chanting "Carlos! Carlos!" All the way to the edge of the fence (the dumpster was past where we were allowed).
And that is the story of precious Carlos, the perfect bird.
So then last night I was telling the story and decided to humanize him, because why the fudge not.
Mah Art book!
De TodoI looooove to draw, so I am making a book about it. :) Enjoy! Also, No stealing, or I will shank you and eat all of your food. <3