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We finally got rid of that demon who possesses vehicles. And currently I had moved up it one above x-wire and right now I'm decorating my huge building with my brother Yukio. "Hey Yukio how about you make the decorations and I'll hang them up?" He nodded. I started to hang a few ornaments up. Yes it was 1 week until Christmas! I was excited.  I finished hanging up the ornaments and hung up some garlin for the tree. Then I put the cross on top of the tree and hung yo strings of little people. Until I couldn't get this one stay. "Uuuuggghhhh! What the heck ." So I kept trying until finally I got it. "Hey do they still serve lunch if it's winter break?" "Rin they don't serve anything during any breaks."  I rolled my eyes then said bye. I walked out of the room and down the hall. Then I went out the door and started walking towards McDonalds then I saw Shiemi walking toward me. "Hey." I said calmly. "Can I eat with you? All of my friends are gone for vacation." I smiled then nodded.  We went in and ordered then I payed and we sat down at a booth. "So what are you going to do this winter break?"  I asked.  "I don't have anything planned except morning I'm going back to my home. For the day. What about you?" On Christmas Day I'm going back to the church to see how things are going and I'm going to help them clean up Evan more. " get you should come over the day after Christmas we could hangout?" She smiled. "Ya,sure. How about early that morning about eight?" I nodded. Then we said bye and I got my food. Then I sat down at a table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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