Denmark and Norway React to 'DenNor'

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Hetalia React to 'DenNor' (Denmark and Norway) ((Request))

Writer : Thank you for requesting this! This one took a while

'"My gosh! I am so happy for you guys! That was so cute, Denmark! I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it!"'

Denmark : Finland seems happy about it :v

Norway : Shut it, Dane! *pulled Denmark's tie*

Denmark : Ack!

'"So does this mean you guys are together? Because I'm totally fine with Denmark being my brother-in-law. Can I be the best man?" Iceland ask hopefully'

Denmark : S-see? E-even Ice is happy for us!

Norway : *pulled Denmark's tie* Shut it. And why do you want to be the best man?

Iceland : Hey, not everyday you can be the best man at gay wedding *shrugs*

Norway : Then you'll have to call me big brother. And we are not together


Norway : ... You just have to write that, don't you?

Writer : Yupp! :3

'... Would just make him cry, something he hasn't done in nearly seventy-eight years'

Writer : Dafuq?

Norway : We're country. What do you expect?

'"Caaaaaan I be the best maaaaan?"
"Dude,calm down, we're not even engaged."'

Norway : Why do you really wanted to be the best man?

Iceland : I already told you, it's not everyday you can be a best man at a gay wedding

'After a minute more of watching that curl, Denmark reached out and grabbed it softly, giving it a soft yank.'

Writer : Should I order a grave?

Sweden : Hm...

'Denmark frowned and pulled again, harder this time'

Writer : Hello? Can I reserve a grave? No? Okay..

'.. But Denmark had already wrapped his finger around it and tugged it softly'

Writer : Russia, can I borrow your shovel?

Russia : Da, here you go sunflower

'"What? You aren't enjoying this?" Denmark smirked and tugged it again, harder this time. "I know I am~ You're cut little face is priceless."

Denmark : *tried to do just like the fanfic*

Norway : *pulled Denmark's tie* No you don't, you stupid Dane *glared at Denmark*

Denmark : -ack! N-norge! -ack! *passed out*

Writer : Sve! Help me!

Sweden : *walks away*

Writer : *pouted* *dragging Denmark to a hole* *tossed him in* *cover the hole* *looked to readers* Thank you for requesting this, sorry I forgot to mention who request it and what fanfic I used.

Anyway, thank you, again. I hope I can publish the fanfic as soon as I can, and please visit Denmark's grave.

Denmark : *groan* my head hurt

Writer : ****!! *hit Denmark's head*

Denmark : *passed out*

Writer : Well, ciao v:

(Here's a spoiler)

Mermaid, a mythological creature. Human like body with fish like tail. Some of people believe them, and some don't. (y/n) is one of them. She's a mermaid that can transform into human.
"So?" "Well, this 'Dane' guy sounded interesting~" Lukas stared blankly at the (h/c) girl. He sigh "Do you really want to meet him?" he ask, (y/n) nodded repeatedly. Lukas sigh again "Then you shall meet him tomorrow, I'll bring you clothes" (y/n) kissed Lukas cheek "Thank you" she said as she dive into the sea.
'What can I do?! W-Wait wait wait! Think positive, Mikkel! There's no way a girl can liked him! Yeah! He said the she wanted to see me! Yeah! Norge is playing matchmaker!' I thought as I walked home, pretending everything is alright.

What do ya think 'bout it? :v
Hope you enjoy the spoiler :v

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