Chapter 37: "Great Location, 5 Minutes from the Cemetery! But Kinda Deserted."

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After traveling for a bit, right about when she could still make it back to the castle if she ran should the sun begin to rise, Blanc found a neglected cemetery. A little further ahead she could see what looked like a town, but seeing that it was completely dark, it had probably been deserted. All the residents must have moved somewhere else.

"Well, there are tons of zombies and stuff around, so it must've been tough living here..."

The cemetery was filled with zombies and skeletons, so the deserted town was probably in a similar state. Blanc started thinking it was about time she turned back.

"Not like I'm thinking 'I gotta tame something today' or anything... At worst, I thought nabbing a skeleton would be good enough."

If she were going to [Subordinate] a skeleton, she was curious about how it might compare to when the count did it to her. If it simply turned into a Squire Zombie, she would wonder why it turned out different from her. Maybe it was because she knew six different elements of magic, or because her INT was high. Was one of them the condition for Revenant, or maybe did both things fulfill the requirements for Lesser Vampire? But since she couldn't raise a skeleton's INT or teach it magic before she tamed it, there wasn't an easy way to experiment. She'd need to find some way for it to reincarnate after being tamed.

"The count said that after he tamed me and I became a vampire, it did seem like he could control me, so let's ask him later."

That being the case, then she might as well check out what was in the cemetery. Unlike out in the wild, the cemetery appeared to also have living monsters along with the undead. Like these bats that were attacking her.

"Wagh, that scared me!"

A bunch of bats swarmed her. She didn't know what they wanted; probably food. If they happened to be vampire bats, then they must've wanted to dine on the blood of a vampire, e.g. Blanc's.

"Blegh! Here's a [Fear]! Damn you! Be afraid!"

The bats fell to the ground in a flutter.

"Phew. I'm glad that worked... I think I heard somewhere that it didn't have a high success rate, but since I'm a vampire and these are (probably?) vampire bats, maybe it was super effective."

The bats cowered on the ground, shivering. Seeing them like that, she started to feel bad.

"Or actually, since starting the game, all I've encountered are ants and undead... So these are the first living mammals I've seen..."

These creatures might not be so bad. They were pretty vampire-y, and with this many of them, even if they were kinda weak, they should be able to defeat a zombie. If it came down to it, they could be used as a smokescreen, and best of all, they could be used as spies just like what the count did with his rats.

"If I remember right, bats are also known as rats with wings, so as the count's student, we'd match too!"

Blanc went to all of the prone bats around her one by one and cast [Subordinate] on them. She left out the [Control] part, but that was because, as the count had said, there was such a big difference in power between them. The taming succeeded without a hitch.

"So there are nine of them in all. Their race is... Desmodus? That sounds pretty metal."

The bats all scampered over to crowd around Blanc.

"I didn't know that bats could walk! And they're also speedier than I expected!"

It would be hard for them to follow her like that, so she carried them in her arms.

"If this were in the real world, I'd have to worry about rabies and stuff, but whatever. Actually, even if something were to happen to me, I'm a vampire here, so yeah."

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