Part 24 - Finally!!!!

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Everyone's eyes brimmed with tears seeing the union of the souls......

Chowbey (smiling): We are here to get your signatures on the documents so that we can proceed with the further process and you can start your life again

The couple were in their own world not even paying heed to the news shared by the advocate making everyone chuckle..... it's not a hidden fact from everyone what they mean to each other and how the other struggled away from the other. Angre & Ishani ...... 2 persons with 2 different characteristics, 2 different ambitions, different perspectives on life, and various criteria, and yet each other's priority always, 2 people with one soul. Destiny played a game where 2 guys met making a guy fall for the other's sister to such an extent that fate had to bow in front of them bringing the love birds together and letting the ups & downs go the other lane. Love is Magical but Destiny plays the string!!!!!

Sejal (playful): You guys have a whole life to express your love now can we pay heed to the other people here....... poor they are waiting for your signatures Angre Bhai!!!!

Angre breaking the hug wiped Ishani's tears before kissing her forehead....holding her hand he walked towards the others with smiles on their lips & happiness in their eyes not leaving them even for a second

Dadi (emotional): It feels like ages since I saw these have a genuine smile on their face

Siya (excited): Then we'll have to get used to it Dadi.... they'll always be happy from hereon!!!!

Chowbey gestured for Angre to sign certain documents for the next procedure which he did gladly but while signing the last page something struck his mind and before he could voice it out someone else did

Ishani (elated): Thank you Mr. Chowbey...... I have no words to express what your act has brought back in our lives.......but (confused) how did this happen?

Everyone eyed the smiling Chowbey anticipating answers to their confusion

Chowbey (smiling): This morning Mrs. Singhania came to my office and withdrew her case against Mr. Sharma

Angre (happy, emotional & shock): Riddhu.......

Oh how long everyone wished that Riddhima withdrew the case and alas....... finally when she did that their eyes tore up in utter happiness!!!!

It was not like she was a villain......but it just that they wanted everything to be sorted and happiness to prevail yet the pain Riddhima went through all these months was not something to be ignored, she lost her parents whom she dearly loved and all she felt was it was her brother who killed them and for what?? The property......... Not that she would believe the story if anyone would say but the circumstances conspired her to believe what she was seeing and not what she believed but with time she started believing what she saw!!!! In one instance she lost her everything....... she was an orphan and that pain was indescribable considering that her brother was alive who was the reason for her parent's death and she feared him .....afraid he might kill her too. Living in constant fear, not being able to prove the culprit guilty, fighting her conscience to prove her brother guilty, and living with the truth that she can never see or listen to her parents again.........broke her to no extent. And in all this, she finds her culprit in front of her eyes with everyone behaving as if nothing ever happened....... how can anyone expect her to take this!!!! Though the sister in her was happy seeing him that moment but the daughter in her was afraid...... afraid her parent's culprit was roaming free.....afraid she was in danger again. Her actions were never meant to harm anyone's emotions but did she have any other option??? She, A daughter was helpless in many ways!!!!!!!

Vansh (confused): Riddhima??

Chowbey: Yes Mr. Singhania, she was there in my office and frankly speaking even I was afraid that she was there to re-open the case but she said something which I least expected considering how stubborn she was for getting Mr. Sharma punished.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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