Chapter 1

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야! Chenle , wake up you sleepyhead! You'll be late for school if you sleep any longer!" Groaning, Chenle opened his eyes and immediately closed them again. "Just 5 more minutes momm!" He shouted back and snuggled back up into his blanket. Hearing nothing from his mom he fell back asleep.

Little did he know what was going to happen next~

Chenle was lying on a beautiful, colorful bed of flowers. Pink fluffy unicorns were dancing on rainbows above him and the sky was as blue as ENHYPENs' dimension answer album. Everything was peaceful and cute. Suddenly Chenle felt like something was crawling up his arms and torso. He felt like dozens of spiders were crawling all around him.

Terrified, Chenle opened his eyes just to see his big brother and his mom giving him a tickle attack.

"Sdgcbedckhwdbcjhvsdc jshdbcyisdvcsd ahahahahhhhahahahhah" Chenle screamed while trying to wiggle away from them.

"야, I'm awake now you idiots!"

After 20 min Chenle and Renjun were ready for school and on their way. "Gosh I can't believe it's our first day at the school and we're already too late for class" Renjun half scolded half joked as they walked through the school gates. They arrived at the front desk and got their schedules along with some directions to their classrooms.

"We'll see you later then Lele. Don't get lost" and with that Renjun was off leaving Chenle all by himself.

"Okay Lele you can do this 화이팅!" He thought to himself and went of to find his class. 

When he arrived there ( with a 30 min delay cuz he somehow ended up at the other side of the school building) he took a moment to catch his breath before knocking on the door and entering after hearing an approval. "Oh and you must be the new student" the teacher said with a smile which quickly turned into a frown. "But may I ask why you decided to join our class 40 minutes late?" He raised a brow. 

"Oh because of that... I'm very sorry I woke up way too late and got lost in the building while looking for the class room " Chenle said with a sly smile.

"Well if that is true then I'll let it slip for now. But only this time. Got that?"

"Yes, sir !" Chenle said and the class cooed at his cuteness. The teacher then smiled and led Chenle to the front of the class.

"So as you might have figured out by now, we have a new student. Please introduce yourself."

Chenle nodded "Hi everyone, I'm Zhong Chenle, I'm from china and I'm 15 years old. I hope we can get along and I'm looking forward to being your classmate." He bowed and looked back at the teacher. "Well I'm your homeroom teacher Mr. Suh and I'll also be your English and math teacher."

"So the next question is where you will sit. Hmm let's see." Scanning the room he pointed at an empty space next to a tall boy in the back. "Here sit next to Park Jisung. Jisung raise your hand please" The said boy raised his hand and Chenle made his way through the room towards him. Jisung gave him a welcoming smile and made some space for Chenle to put his stuff down.

"Hi I'm Jisung nice to meet you" Jisung greeted and Chenle gave him a shy smile. "I'm Chenle " he replied and sat down.

The rest of the school day went by smoothly and soon enough Chenle and Renjun met at the school gates to go home. "And how was your day?" Renjun asked. "Well it was fine accept for the fact that I got lost in the building." Chenle answered. "How was yours?" He asked. "Oh mine was fine just that I bumped into two giants and fell face first onto the ground. I mean why do people just randomly stand in a doorway when there's clearly people wanting to get through!" Renjun pouted and Chenle just laughed. "Well I guess you just have to except the fact that you're tiny" and with that Chenle ran off. "야! How dare you little sneaky kid! Have respect for your elders!" Renjun shouted while chasing Chenle all the way back to their front door.

"Hi boys how was school?" Their mom asked when they came tumbling through the door. "It was fine" they answered in unison and hugged her. After what felt like forever they let go of each other and went to the living room.

"Go do your homework and after that I'll take you the mall since today is a special day ok?" Chenle and Renjun nodded enthusiastically and went of to their rooms to do their homework.

The rest of the day they spent running around in the nearby mall and getting some new clothes for Chenle and Renjun.

That night Chenle and Renjun talked way past midnight thinking about how their lives had changed after their move to the US and how the next future would look like for them.

Sryy if it's kinda messy but I hope you like it hehe:)

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