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I woke up in a king-sized bed. Black sheets. Black slippers. Marble floors. I a t-shirt. someone's..a man's t shirt. Oh god. Did i-
"You're awake."
The cold velvety voice hit me. Edward. I looked up. "Where am I?"

"Isn't it obvious?..My penthouse."
I didn't remember getting here..did..we oh god did we sleep together??

"Sleep together? No. well..kind of?"
"Kind of?"
"We slept on the same bed so we slept together but we didn't have sex so you don't have to worry."

He sounded disappointed. Almost like..ughh. why do I keep thinking like this.
"Sorry for.. being such a burden last night..I don't remember anything.."

"I suppose that's why you were shocked by the change of clothes.. for context you puked all over yourself and me and then you fell asleep..I tried to wake you up but..well."

"I'm so sorry.."

"It's fine.. after all you were my date. It's my responsibility to take care of you."
" much."
"And..." He reached down to the small fridge in the room and took out a bottle. "A hangover drink."
"No problem. I will be leaving for work..ask Julia to make you breakfast if you want."

"Julia?" Was she her girlfriend? No it won't be. Since he slept in the same bed as me..but it could be that they don't live together..god why was I so jealous. I looked at him. Curiosity getting the better of me.
He was adjusting his cufflinks. He looked down at me. "She's the cook."
"She's old."
"Thought you might wanna know."
"Right um.. thankyou."
He nods. "I'll be leaving then. I suppose you're gonna be showering? I picked out some of my clothes for you...if they're too big you can just look for clothes in my closet."
I nod lightly as he leaves the room closing the door. I jump up after I hear him say goodbye to someone

and look at myself in the mirror. Fuck I was a mess. Drool dried on my face. My hair weren't that bad but still. Last night's makeup was still on my face. Lipstick smudged. Eyeliner and mascara making my eyes black.

As j expected the clothes he picked for me were too big for me. I quickly went in his closet. It was massive and lavish although I wasn't shocked by his collection of expensive things. I lived like that too. I picked out a black t shirt I was sure his trousers were gonna be too big and I couldn't just go out with my black panties and a t shirt.

I looked more till I found some women's clothing. In a compartment under the t-shirt section. Leather jacket. Black jeans. Sage Green croptop. And a sliver necklace. I turned it around and I found M.S. carved onto it. While my curious nature would've got the best of me..I wanted to get all the sweat and grime off me. I quickly grabbed the things and went in the shower. When I finished showering I put the clothes on and went out of the room to see a long hallway that lead to a door. I opened it to find an old woman watching tv.

She looked at me with interest. Got up and walked over to me. She wasn't Edwards mom. His mom was dead.

"Good morning, Miss Agnessa."

"Morning. I suppose you're Julia?"

The old women chuckled. She looked so sweet."yes that's me."

"Edward loves you."

My eyes widened. The words caught me by surprise. I wasn't expecting her to just say that out of nowhere. I would've laughed had the lady not be so serious. He was a cold ass man. No matter how nice i tried to be with him. He was always cold to me. A man like Edward loving me..out of Fucking nowhere. That sounded like bullshit. The old lady was sweet. I didn't want to be rude to her so I just laughed it off.

"Is that so?"

"Mhm." She hummed sitting back on the couch. "You want something to eat?"

"I suppose some eggs and toast wouldn't hurt?"

"Some bacon too?"

"No. I'm allergic."

"Well that's unfortunate. I'll prepare your meal in a minute."


As she got up and walked to the kitchen I followed her. Not knowing what I would do in an empty living room.

"The outfit that you're's isn't yours is it?"

"No..I borrowed them from Edward's closet."

Julia smiled at me. Then put her attention back to the stove.

"That outfit is Mrs. Romano's."

"Edward's mom?"


I didn't know she wore this type of clothing. Edward's parents were always classy. Him too. Wearing elegance everywhere. Their attitude. Their manners. Rich classy. Yet I couldn't believe that this bold biker attire was hers.

"She was a biker. A very...bold one. Spoke her mind. Ruled on Mr Romano's heart. And she was the lady in charge. Everybody obeyed her. She was a charming lady..."

She spoke like she was still grieving. Like her pain was raw. I didn't know whether they were close or whatever happened between them. But suddenly she looked so heart broken. Yet with a smile on her face. Reminiscing. She wiped away a tear before putting the plate Infront of me. The delicious scent drowned out all my curiosity. Even though I still felt a bit nauseous. As I looked up from my meal I realized she was Infront of the tv again. How did she move so fast? Guess that would remain a mystery. After I finished my food. I grabbed my bag and left a few minutes later. Saying goodbye to Julia and going back to my own house.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15 ⏰

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